Chapter 30

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Okay, thank you. With that, I was out of there like the speed of light and back in the van. Hey, can we stop by MJ for a bit, please? I call out to the driver while turning the camera off. With that, I lay my head on the car seat.


After a not-so-long drive, I am once again required to exit the car. Which I do but with extreme laziness. But besides that, I enter the shop and go to the reception area where I am greeted by a beautiful girl. Hello, how may I help you? She asks in a soft kind voice. Hey, I was wondering if MJ is here. I would like to talk to her in private.

Is she in trouble or anything? The girl panics a bit. No no no, don't worry about anything she isn't in trouble. I just want to talk with her. This seems to calm her down. She's in the back let me lead you. She explains while rounding the reception table. Okay, thank you. You may wait here. And also I didn't catch your name. I thank her before telling my bodyguard to stay in the waiting area before addressing the girl once again while following behind.

Oh my, how rude of me. I'm Kim HaJoon. HaJoon says stopping a little while turning to me and doing a bit. Min Y/N nice to meet you. I say while also bowing before we start walking. Oh so you're the girl MJ said Jungkook brought here. She exclaims while looking at me before a wide smile adores her petite face.

Ye, I guess I am. I say with a small chuckle while my face burned a bit from the blush that I felt blooming. She said you got quite a lot of piercings at the same time. She says while looking at my ears. Yea I got my ears and belly button pierced. When I finish that we arrive at the door. Which now that I think about was quite far from the reception area.

Knocking on the door HaJoon turns to me bows and goes to leave. See ya soon. Bowing back I turn the knob pushing it open. In there I could see the said girl I was searching for on top of the desk drawing something. Walking up to her I look at the beautiful design.

That's so gorgeous. Has anyone requested it? I ask continuing to look at it. Well hello to you too. And no I just designed it for no one in particular. She says turning to look at me with a smile. Well, would it be okay if I'm a potential candidate? I say in a half-joking way. I mean sure. She replies while going back to finish the piece.

Well with that established I would like to ask if you could sketch a few stencils for me. I say while sitting down on the tattooing chair. Sure what would you like? And do you have your company's permission? She asks while rolling her chair over to me. Pfft is that even a question? I say. Ye stupid of me to ask of course you- Of course, I don't. I laugh out while cutting her off.

I'm not even surprised anymore. She says shaking her head. So what types of tattoos do you want. Well, I do have a couple of scars that I want to hide. One is on my ankle and the other under my left breast. But I also want some other small tattoos. I explain while showing her my scars since I'm talking with a girl. Hmm, do you have any ideas on what you want for the marks you want to cover? MJ asks while taking a notepad and getting ready to write it down.

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