Chapter 24

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I wake up in a cold, dark room with only a small window far up in the ceiling away from my reach. At first, I thought it might be something the company has planned but then remembered that I was in the hospital so they wouldn't do that. So, where am I? as if to answer my unvoiced question a man enters. Since the first time I saw him I got a bad vibe from him, he just had this evil look on his face. Well hello, there princess. He says with a disgusting smirk on his face.

Where am I? Who are you? I say loudly. You don't need to know who I am or where you are. All you have to know is that here you are not gonna be treated like a spoilt bitch but as a money-making toy for us. Now let's get you prepared. He says all this while walking towards me and taking his clothes off in the meantime. Seeing him do that makes me start struggling to try and get out of the bed I was handcuffed to.

You have nowhere to go and no one to save you. So just be a good little girl and take it. He says and grabs a pair of scissors and starts to cut all of my clothes off before getting on top of me. He made me suck his co*c, he kissed me forcefully, and last he took the one thing I was trying to save for someone special, my virginity.

But he wasn't the only one. Every day, he brought people over. They all used me, came in me without a care in the world. Hours, days, weeks. That's what it felt like to me while being alone and chained to the bed only given "food" once a day. But one day I'm guessing they were infiltrated by a policeman. That day I was saved and rushed to the hospital.

At the hospital they ran all kinds of tests, the rape test thingy, an ultrasound, they checked my operation wounds. After all these, they called my company. The boys arrived soon after they were called. At first, I had a hard time understanding who they were.

I was taken home after 2 days and the first night was horrific. I had a nightmare and then I thought that the boys were my kidnappers trying to get me back. The whole situation left me scarred.

I think you should go to therapy? Namjoon said looking at me while we were eating breakfast. No please no. I say while whimpering and shaking my head. Anything but therapy. Why are you so against it? J-hope asks me looking puzzled. I don't want to talk about it but give me a week and I'll be better. You must. Namjoon says looking at his phone. Manager-nim sent me that next week is an award show. All of us groan.

Anyway, we got to go right? I say while getting up and going to my room to change. I didn't wait for a reply but I heard several chairs being pushed back meaning they also got up. Once in the room I went over to my closet side grabbed a pair of shorts, knee-high boots, and a crossbody bag, and stole one of Jungkooks' hoodies. Jungkook just wore a simple all-black outfit.

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