Chapter 23

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The rest of the time the guys were here we just joked around, talked, and did so many other fun things. And A.R.M.Y was definitely entertained cause we might or might not have forgotten all about the live stream.


When nighttime hit the boys left seeing as the visiting hours had also ended. I had also ended the live and got ready to sleep. The nurse came one last time before I fell asleep checked all my vitals and stuff like that. 

Sometime during the night, I woke up to see a dark figure in front of me. And before I could do anything he put something over my mouth and nose. I tried to resist. It didn't take long until I gave up and breathed in, falling unconscious.

RMs' P.O.V

I woke up to my phone ringing. It was around 2 am. Accepting the call I get some shocking news making me drop my phone and run to Yoongis room. Hyung! Hyung! WAKE UPP! I yell out, panic evident in my voice. There better be a good ass reason why you wo- Y/N was kidnapped. I say cutting him off.

Is this a joke cause it's not funny? He says glaring at me. I really wish it was but I just got a call from the hospital. Saying this he scrambles out of bed and goes to wake everyone up. I call manager-nim. And go down to the living room pacing back and forth.

What is it? Why are you calling so late? I hear a groggy voice ask. The hospital called. Y/N was kidnapped. There was silence on the other line. I'm calling Bang. Let's meet at the company in 2 hours. He says before hanging up.

At that time I hear people coming downstairs. What's going on Hyung? Jimin asks rubbing his eyes. Y/N has been kidnapped at the hospital. I called our manager he said to meet at the company in 2 hours. Since the first word, I said all heads were whipped towards me.

There were a lot of gasps but one reply hurt me the most. Hyung please tell me you're joking. Please...please. I wish I was Kookie. Hearing my reply he just breaks down crying getting comforted by Yoongi who tried to stay strong but ends up crying as well. V was also crying while hugging Jin Hyung.

Don't worry guys we'll find her. I say 'At least I hope we will before it's too late.'

~a week time skip~

It has been a long week for all of us. It was announced that Y/N was kidnapped, none of us have been in the best mind place, and we have taken a break from everything.

Right now it's pretty late at night and we're all in the living room. A depressed silence is making the situation even worse. But suddenly a phone goes off. The house phone. Someone scrambles up to get it hoping for some good news.

Hello. Yes. Are you serious?! OH MY GOD! Okay, we're gonna be there immediately. Jhope says on the phone before hanging up and running towards us. Guys get up they found her. She's at the hospital we have to go there! At the speed of light, we were in our room and out of the house heading to the hospital.

Manager-nim. We all gasp once arriving and running inside. Hey boys. How is her condition? Yoongi asks not even greetings him. Nothing too bad. But there are signs of sexual assault. They're gonna run a test and check. The kidnappers were also captured and were gonna wait for Y/N to see if she's gonna press charges for other stuff aside from kidnapping. He says looking at us with pitiful eyes.

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