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"This is one of the most awaited moments of every academic year, that we announce the student of the year..."

"And guys, for the fourth time in a row, the student of the year award goes to my personal favourite student, and the Richardson Law School's prodigy, Kabir Singh Rathore ..."

"A huge applause for him, guys ..."

"Woohoo!! Kabir!! Kabir!! Kabir!! Kabir!!" The crowd in the auditorium roared, hooted, cheering for him.

"Kabir, wherever you are, come over the stage, and take what belongs to you!"

"Kabir Singh Rathore, please, come over the stage!"

These voices echoed, in the auditorium.


"Kabir, where are you going? They're calling you onto the stage! Go, and get that trophy!"

Kabir was unbothered.

"You can go and get it, for me, or do one thing, keep it."

The girl was baffled.

"But, it's yours."

Looking down, for a moment, he smirked, slyly.

"Well, I know that. Also, isn't it an established fact that, wherever I go, the best thing's mine?"

The girl nodded, and smiled.

"What about the trophy?"

Kabir breathed, annoyedly.

"Go, sell it, and buy yourself whatever you want. So, if you are done, can I go home, and sleep? I am too tired."

The girl looked down, apologetically, and nodded, and as Kabir shot a glance at her, and turned to leave, she called him again.

"Kabir, I have something else to say, actually... Umm ... I love you."

Kabir shut his eyes, in frustration, for a moment, and turned to face her.

"Well, first, it's 'K', for you, and second ..." he said, and acted as if, thinking something. " .... umm, well, I'm not interested in you."

This irked the girl to so many levels.

"Kyun, Gay ho kya?"

Kabir arched his eyebrows, wondering at her audacity.

"Well, unfortunately, Nope."

She looked at him, furiously.

"To ho kya, phir?"

Crossing his arms across his chest, he looked down, and smirked.

"Tumhaari aukaat se bahar!"

She was dumbstruck, as he said this.

"You don't know, whom you are rejecting!"

Kabir let out a slight chuckle, at her very obvious reply.

"I curse you, Kabir Singh Rathore ..."

He interrupted her.

"Correction ... 'K', it is... continue ..."

She grunted, in annoyance.

"I curse you, K ... the day you fall in love, you'll find her extremely unachievable, and yourself, out of her league..."

Kabir rolled his eyes, in irritation, and turned to leave, not able to tolerate her crap, anymore.

"Well, 'The day I will fall in love', does not exist in my calendar!"

His words came as a bolt from the blue, for her.

"Karma is a bitch, K! And trust me, it's gonna bite your ass, real hard!"

He smirked, listening to her words, and raised his hand, showing her a 'thumbs-up', and talking no more, he walked towards the exit.


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