30. Nᴇᴛғʟɪx ᴀɴᴅ ᴄʜɪʟʟ

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- Aᴠᴏɪᴅ ᴛʏᴘᴏs ᴀɴᴅ ɢʀᴀᴍᴍᴀᴛɪᴄᴀʟ ᴇʀʀᴏʀs -

It wasn't too long since Kabir had woken up and freshened up. The wounds of the incident that happened two nights before was still fresh in his mind. That mere incident was enough to refresh all those memories in his head. For two days straight, he only coped it alone, like before, asking for no one's help, and not letting anyone near him. His close ones had barely seen of him in these two days when he was scared even to step out of his room and confront the agony the others had felt on knowing about him. He couldn't face his parents. It had been hard, but he had perhaps very well learned to cope with it. He had faced it alone for three years and now he was used to it, but still having to face his family when he goes downstairs was a challenge for him. Somehow, he had avoided the same for about two days, but until when will he stay like this. Moreover, he had ignored Nisha's calls for two days in a row. He knew it wasn't her fault; she never had foul intentions when she spoke to Nirvaan, but still, it was a great deal for him.

He was sitting by the window. The sky was clouded, and it could rain any moment. He had to go out too; he had a football match, today. At least, playing football in this weather could perhaps set his mood. His girlfriend too was miffed now, after two days of trying. He had called her in the morning, but she hadn't taken his call, and he didn't call her again, thinking she must be asleep. He didn't have the guts to sneak into her room like he usually does. It was the last thing he could do, today. He felt at a conflict with the whole world, and he knew no solution to it. He looked at her number in his phone and thought a hundred times before clicking on the 'dial' icon. He stopped himself and sighed, looking out of the window, and saw Nisha coming from somewhere on her vespa, and immediately, he dialled her number and stuck his head out of the window.

For a moment as her mobile rang, she stopped her vespa and took out her mobile phone and looked at the screen, and seeing it flash Kabir's name, she furiously turned her head to his window and he swiftly pulled himself back in without being noticed, not knowing why he did that; and as he hoped for her to pick up his call, she hung up on him, again. He did not know how he must talk to her either. She was being difficult to him, in an already difficult moment of his. He threw his phone onto the bed and slumped down beside it, holding his head in his palms worriedly, and though not a moment had passed, he again got up and went to freshen up before he could leave for his match.

Half an hour later, as he got ready in his football jersey, ready for his match, he picked up his bag and walked downstairs. His family was having their breakfast in the dining room, when he was called by Arjun, seeing him pass by.

"Kabir, where are you going?"

Arjun asked, as he took a sip of his strong espresso.

"I have a match, today. I am going to the stadium."

Kabir answered, as he walked over to the dining table. His mother was silently looking at him.

"Aaja Jojo puttar, mere naal baith ja. Kuch kha le, phir jana."

Nani asked, tapping on the vacant seat beside herself. Kabir didn't deny, and putting his bag aside, he sat down to have his breakfast. He looked at the empty seat beside Vasu in guilt. Nisha wasn't here as well. He had missed her in these two days. He knew she hadn't been coming home for breakfast in these two days too, and he somehow felt blameworthy for this. He sighed and continued serving himself the breakfast and began eating silently.

"How's your hand, Jojo?"

Vasu asked, as she poured him a glass of juice. He nodded positively as a reply, taking the glass that she passed him.

Sᴇʀᴇɴᴅɪᴘɪᴛʏजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें