42. Son of Ramesh Gangwal.

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Kabir had woken up early today. It was not even seven yet. He picked up his phone, texted his wife and seeing her offline, he kept his phone aside, thinking she was still asleep, and started packing his bags. It was a Sunday and he was going back home, today, as he promised Nisha. He had missed his family way too much when he stayed here without them and now he was finally going to be with them. He stopped folding his clothes when he heard the clanking of utensils from the kitchen, and walked out of the room, wondering if Neeti has woken up. She smiled at him as she saw him. She was still sleepy and it was apparent in the way she yawned. He smiled in reciprocation and leaned his back against the kitchen counter as he stood beside her.


She asked and he nodded, and she immediately gave him the cup that she made for herself and continued making another coffee for herself. He thanked her as he took the cup from her.

"You woke up too soon, today?"

He asked her, as he took a sip from his coffee.

"Have some research to do. Procrastinated it till now and today I have to send it to Veer."

She cribbed, rubbing her sleepy eyes. She was working as a Junior advocate at her father's law firm and she absolutely hated how she was made to work even on Sundays.

"Leave that. What are you doing in the afternoon? Let's go for a movie after I finish my work – then we'll get some good Chinese food on our way back. Okay?"

She spoke getting a bit too excited, and Kabir, on the other hand was confused about how to tell her that he was leaving. He felt bad too. He didn't want to foil her plans, but he had been away from home for too long and it was time that he returned. He didn't reply as she continued to look at him anticipating his reply, and instead cleared his throat, awkwardly.

"No Chinese food? Fine, then we can order pizza."

She said, hoping it was a better deal for him, but he ran his hand through his hair nervously as he remained calm, preparing himself to speak. For all that she did for him, she never asked him anything. It was all unconditional from her side and Kabir didn't feel it acceptable to deny, but he was supposed to. He had to go home.

"No pizza too? Fine! whatever you say, then?"

She amended her offer further, seeing him unconvinced.

"I don't think I would be able to come, Neeti."

Kabir finally broke his silence

"You don't want to watch the movie only?"

She asked, aghast.

"I would've come had I been here."

Kabir spoke, still not speaking anything directly.

"You are going somewhere?"

She asked and sipped her morning coffee.

"When will you come back, then? Should I order lunch for you too?"

She casually asked, thinking he would come back.

"I won't be coming back, Neeti."

Kabir said, silencing her at once. Both of them were silent for a moment, until Neeti realised what it could mean. He was going home! He was going home?

"You're going home?"

She asked, slowly, hoping that was not true. She sounded disappointed while asking it, itself, and the disappointment appeared in her features too, when he nodded positively.

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