40. Mister & Missus [18+]

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A/n : The chapter contains mature content and those who are uncomfortable reading it may skip the portion.



Kabir slid his hand across her back and looked at her sideways as she smiled at him. His eyes contained pride, and hers - pure affection for him, and this bond between them. They finally belonged to each other. They got tied in this holy union of marriage, today. He couldn't stop smiling as he looked at her. What they did had started to make them a bit awkward - they were husband and wife, now - it felt different, but at the same time, it felt like it had brought them a lot more closer than they ever were to each other. It felt like a promise of a lifelong. They were together and smiling - and this was best gift that they could give each other this moment. The last two months without each other were a misery - and now, their smiles felt like a breath of fresh air to each other. Apart from a smile that ethereally reached her eyes, there was a strange moistness in her eyes, and perhaps it was because all of it were overwhelming for her. She was finally with the love of her life; she was finally with her Jojo.

When she had met him an year ago, again, she had never thought that she would indeed end up falling in love so badly with a man of so many imperfections. He was neither a prince, and nor was he charming. He was a simple guy with too many flaws to even be able to ignore. But she didn't know when he changed into a man so beautiful; into a real man who knew how to love, respect, understand and support. And she didn't know when she had become the woman who was capable to reciprocate those feelings, when she herself wasn't perfect either. She didn't know when she learnt to love all of him; even his flaws. She didn't know when, she became more of him than herself. She didn't know when, this relationship became the most cherished part of her life.

While for him, love came too easy. It wasn't sudden. It happened slowly. First, he started finding his pleasure in annoying the life out of her, then, her tears started bothering him; then, he became her shoulder, and slowly, he was the one to wipe her tears. And when he learned to be sorry, he also learned to say sorry, with which, he understood how every little happiness of her made him happy, and every little pain of hers made him sad. He cared for her. He understood her. And slowly, she became the purest emotion of his life. He loved her. He loved all of her.

Guilt stayed in the back of their heads for not letting their parents know of it, but they were happy. It was a beautiful new beginning for them. The happiness in her eyes brought about a glitter in his eyes. He was content, his suffering seemed to vanish. His lips twisted into a handsome smile as he slowly slid his hand against hers and intertwined her fingers with his.

He leaned in to kiss her lips, but she placed her other hand on his lips, angling away from him, seeing someone pass by giving them a weird gaze. He groaned, looking at her complainingly, but she laughed it away. 'Not here', she mumbled slowly, and he looked at her as if they ever cared.

Someone at the door cleared their throat and looked at them cross-handed across their chest, seeing them in an awkward position. Nisha coughed awkwardly, looking at Neeti, while Kabir smiled, taking her into a hug. She had helped them a lot. She did not raise a single question when he told her that he and Nisha were getting married and came bearing her friends with herself to complete the requirement of witnesses for them. Not only today, but she had been Kabir's constant support in the last two months when he were sensitive, and he was thankful to her for that. And if not because of her, they wouldn't have been able to get married. It was all a luck that Neeti was there in their life as a friend. She was different than the rest of them all.

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