32. Tʜᴇ ʟɪʟ' sᴇᴄʀᴇᴛ.

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- ᴀᴠᴏɪᴅ ᴛʏᴘᴏs ᴀɴᴅ ɢʀᴀᴍᴍᴀᴛɪᴄᴀʟ ᴇʀʀᴏʀs -

Both the families were in the living room of the Rathore house, sipping their evening teas. It was a Sunday before a hectic Monday could arrive, again. While the rest of them were discussing something that pertained to Abir's career, now that he was to get over with his twelfth standard as well, Nisha silently got up and limped to the kitchen with the help of her walking stick to get herself some water. Kabir, who was descending the stairs just then, smirked a bit seeing her in the kitchen and finding himself unnoticed by anyone, he carefully tiptoed into the kitchen. Nisha was having water and Sonu was setting things up in the shelves. Kabir silently stood behind Nisha and waited for her to keep the glass in the sink and just as she did, he hugged her from behind and she gasped in horror, seeing him be close to her while their families were around. She smacked him on his arm and chided, making him move away.

Nisha blushed when he pouted, asking her for a kiss in gestures. She slapped him playfully across his cheek when he acted a bit desperate. She gestured him to look at Sonu who was still doing his own work; unaware of what all was going on behind him. He was still adamant; he placed his hands over her waist and pecked her, anyway, and even before Sonu could turn, Kabir lifted Nisha's feet off the floor and took her into his arms, while she laughed and attacked him on his chest as she wouldn't let her go. He chuckled and quickly walked out of the kitchen and ascended the stairs, before anyone could see them. Sonu could only see Kabir leaving with Nisha when he turned; his eyes bulged out as he quickly walked out of the kitchen to see Kabir take Nisha into his room without anyone knowing. He had known of something going on between them, but seeing them like this, it was new.

Kabir kicked the door, closing it behind him as he entered his room with her in his arms. She smiled as he made her sit down on his bed and walked away to return with a bowl of popcorn and his laptop he had already arranged in his room. His idea had always been to lure her into his room, it was just that it only got easier for him finding her in the kitchen. He exactly knew how to make up for the mistakes that he makes; specially, with her. Kabir was rarely fond of people, but the people he really cared about, he would go to any extent for them. Though he behaved like a teenager in love, sometimes, it was only that he feared losing her. He loved her, but more than anything, she was his best-friend; she mattered. He had never felt this kind of feelings that he had for Nisha; she made him happy, she made him feel - she was his soulmate in every sense.

He had never known Viraj personally except from what she had spoken about him; his knowledge about her dance partner had always been secondary, but it was enough for him to loathe him; he had hurt Nisha once, and that was seriously enough. He had no patience more than seeing it happen once and letting his best-friend get hurt.

"Side ho," Kabir uttered as he playfully pushed her a little, making place for himself beside her on the bed. She opened her mouth and gasped as a reaction of his antic, only to be pulled by him to lie down beside him in his bed. He placed the laptop before them and hugged her from behind as they lay facing the screen of the laptop. They covered themselves in the quilt, as they lay cuddling on the bed. He played an Avengers film; it would be his choice over the romcom stuff she watches, any day. He was a sucker for a thriller or an action movie.

On the other hand, a discussion other than what they had imagined was going on in the living room, unknown to them. Had they been sitting with the family right now, they would've either laughed it out or created a whole messy scene in front of them. It could've left them embarrassed before their families. What was being talked in the living room was what Abir would've ever thought of or would even approve of, knowing how he has a major crush on his brother's girlfriend, though he wouldn't accept; he fears having to set his standards low. Cheekoo was an idiot to him, but still special, but the acceptance of the same was what he would never let happen. Howsoever, he was still not done contemplating about who the new character, Viraj, in the story was.

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