38. "Until we meet again?"

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The fate had suddenly chosen melancholia for her bright, colourful life. Life had turned upside down in just one night and she still couldn't seem to believe it. "Kabir had betrayed her" - the words didn't even make sense in her head as she repeated them at least a thousand times since the last night. More than that what was more unbelievable was the reasoning he gave it for all. "He slept with someone else" - was it supposed to be a joke, because she wouldn't trust those words, ever. He could be anything but one who cheats in a relationship. He knew the value of love. He cared for this relationship that he shared with her perhaps more than her. He had made her his everything and he would cheat on her? What kind of a balderdash was that even? And he believed that she would trust whatever comes out of his mouth? - never. But yes, he had betrayed her, and by not trusting her enough to speak anything that was troubling him inside. She was his best-friend too, and she was going to be his life-partner - they were going to be two halves - with everything equal - but he chose to burden himself with the decision that needed her say as well. He chose for them and broke her apart, making her incapable to place her belief in someone, again.

It was midnight and sleep was far away from her today, as she sat at her balcony still dressed in that mauve gown, peeking at his window, wondering if he was sleeping so peacefully after everything. She had no clue about whatever happened at the party after she left. It was the March weather and the nights were still cold, but she just leaned herself against the wall, with no winter clothing on, hugging herself close with her arms, trembling, and hoping this discomfort would at least overpower the painful one in her heart, but she couldn't seem to stop thinking about him.

Ramesh was walking by in the corridor having lack of sleep, when he heard Nisha coughing vigorously. The door of her room was open, so he peeped inside to have a look and found her in that crestfallen state sitting in her balcony on this peak winter night. She was heartbroken and he feared talking to her about it. He couldn't see her break anymore. Ramesh walked inside without a notice, picked up the blanket from her bed and covered her with it from behind. Nisha turned and looked behind and found her sad father.

"You haven't slept yet?"

Ramesh asked, as he sat down beside her in the balcony.

"I am not able to sleep."

Nisha replied, leaning her head on her father's shoulder.

"Me too."

Ramesh said and exhaled deeply. A profound silence spread between them for a moment. Both of them understood that they were not okay, after whatever happened.

"Why did Jojo do this to me, dad?"

Nisha asked as she finally broke down. Ramesh had no answer to her question. He had seen the boy grow into a relationship with his daughter. He was much like his own son, but he disappointed him, today. The reasoning that he gave for doing this to his daughter, was unacceptable.

"I am sure there's some better guy for you out there somewhere, Cheekoo."

Ramesh spoke out of his disgust of what has happened.

"I would never be able to love anyone else, Dad. He is everything for me."

Nisha spoke, and her tears denied stopping.

"If what he said is true, and if he has cheated on you, then Kabir doesn't deserve you, Cheekoo. Forget him and move on."

Ramesh did not know what else to speak. He understood that his words weren't making any difference for his daughter.

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