Fulfillment Fallacies

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The calm before any storm
Is the norm for anyone
To feel poised, nervous
Fastidiously armed
And dangerously prepared
To face the pressure
To be great

Displacing doubt
Where once emotionally tied-down
Bound by previous mistakes
The time arrives to seal fate

Making amends
Leaving no room for debate
As to the commitment, the cause
Seeking more than praise and applause

To dedicate to
An achievement that is true to
Our purpose
While finding meaning
And a pursuit to believe in

To clear the final hurdle
Unlike previous attempts
The defeat left to simmer
Linger and curdle

It's absurd though

Left to vent
Or simply pretend
This isn't the end
Opportunities of a lifetime blown
Not once but again and again

Resources spent which
Never replenish the debt

A dent left
Where there's been
A wound before
Deeper than external flesh

To the core

Yet seemingly only prolonging death
A deep, however restricted breath

To turn those feelings around
Blocking out the menacing sound
Of doubt's voice

It's the choice which is made
To clear out shame and past pain
To finally regain focus, balance
And elite mind-game

Not only in others but ourselves
Wiping the dust from the shelves
To make room for the sake
Of whatever it takes
To make that lucky, big break

And imagining all will suddenly be ok....

..there has to be more than this

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