Little Ray Of Sunshine

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A survivor
A veteran of war
Humble to the end
You never kept score
Simply only wanting
To give more to those
Who had less

Riches and expensive gifts:
Meaningless to yourself
And your success

Yet scavengers swept-in
To fight tooth-and-nail
To divulge, uncover and
Squabble over every piece
Left - all the minor details

In a world where greed prevails
You left the world a better place
Your mark firmly made
Fond memories retraced

A remarkable impression left
You were laid to rest - alone
no partner-in-crime-til-end

Never a fine shrine
Made for your passing
Contributions from others
Prevented by one in charge
Not what most of us
Had pictured....

..Perhaps a military march
The discharge of guns blazing
Your sacrifices receiving
An endless praising

On a personal note what's hard
Was when we drifted apart
After your son and my
Father's passing, sometimes searching
For answers, I'm left merely grasping

As I grew older
Never given the
Total cold shoulder
However never truly
Feeling, agreeing nor following
My alternate pursuits in life

There were the times
When I'd found myself in strife though
You still showed how much you cared

Since then I've truly and deeply
Despaired, yet somehow felt
At peace and felt so connected
Upon all the special times I have
Reminisced and reflected....

..Especially while as a
Sport-mad growing boy
Even a broken hip was
Never enough to keep
You down

Never annoyed
Forever devoid of
The pain you were in

Just to keep me
Smiling while running
After every bat, ball and toy
These were the times
I enjoyed the most

And even though in
Times I felt we'd drifted
I recognised your advice
Was never ill-willed, nor
Ever mean-spirited

And that you'd always
Been interested and exhibited
An overwhelming care for those
For whom your life you were
Willing to spare

I promise eventually one day
Proud of me you shall be
Just wait and see

The man I am
And will become

The demons I will fight

Protect as I vow
To never succumb
And fight those who
Pull the rug from underneath

Or if I've come undone
When I'm unstuck, in tatters....

..Shattered and numb 

Pick myself up and fight
Just like you I will;
Expressing myself with
Every ounce of sincerity
And goodwill

I aim to fulfil my energy
And utilise my opportunities,
Talents and skills

Not only to represent
You in the best way
I know how; wherever
You may be
Higher than the clouds
But to eliminate any
Shroud of doubt I may
Have left when my past
Dedication, focus and discipline
Was lacking, void and bereft

Of pain and disdain I hope you are free
And while the future I cannot foresee
I promise you, it's my guarantee
I'll be true, you'll see

I have all but one last request
A simple plea....

..Just be sure to say "Hi" to Dad for me

R.I.P. Raymond Gibson Carlton
28/02/1922 – 22/11/2016

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