Target Practice

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I was looking suspicious while walking to the train station
At least according the blue boys who had no patience
Nor any respect
Who hounded me

For simply breathing
Video chatting
And nature-snapping

Mocking, they checked my records
Confident of misdemeanours assorted
Of course it occured after my clinical stay
When lithium concotions destroyed my brain


They scrupulously tried their best
To lay down a significant punishment
With papers slapped to my chest

Or cuffed and roughed up
Like they've done before
When my pleas for help
Had me pressed to floor
And smothered by seven
Who went pound for pound
Relenting never
Bruises ever-present

But I healed quickly

And yet to their astonishment
They spilled no acknowledgement

An apology - as if, not ever!
You have got to be kidding!

Hilariously they came back to greet me
To advise me my record was clean
And I was free to be my unusual self
At least until we cross paths again

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