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To admit I'm nothing without Her, leaves doubt in petite minds who consider themselves whole without relying on another.

Good for them I think as I sip my glass of Wouldn't You Like To Know.

If they are truly whole, consider me humbled and happy for them.

I do however have a story to tell.

Faded by Alan Walker plays as I dream of seeing Her soon.

Dependent but purposeful I am, and little do I attempt to hide it. From valleys to peaks, death to immortal life, nothing to everything and all of it in-between I'll see it all but won't believe I somehow deserve this.

Deserve Her.

I even thank all the drastically devastating, mind-bending and soul-chrushingly torturous times. For if it weren't for every piece of our coming together, drawn upon every breath of life that brought us together, I... I can't even write it.

For thinking we may never have met feels like the most horrific of deaths thousands of times over. And to think of the thousands I've already died..

Nevertheless however I would consider embarking on a journey repeating every past woe for all eternity if it meant I can spend the rest of today with Her. And to think there are only seven hours and twenty-seven minutes until midnight. I'll savour each and every one of the 26820 seconds we have left.

Out of the 110 billion who've come before us and the only-Lady-Satan-knows-how-old world we live, somewhere, somehow strings were pulled to align us with one another.

It isn't even fair.

I found everything and it all made sense, when I found Her.

Psych Ward ScripturesDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora