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This life may have been made easy
If the breeze had've shifted slightly
And butterflies fluttered a different path
My own path deeply affected
By even the slightest misstep

Yet imagining any other outcome
Would be like a broken puzzle
With torn and missing pieces
Setting fire to a broken home

For nothing in my life is worth giving up
For something else I've craved in the past

More fortunate than most
I digress

Sometimes I wish I'd made a witty comeback
Which I thought of several moments after the fact
When dissed or disrepected

My clientship nonexistent
For the rich orthopedic surgeon
To mend my broken back
Who bragged about cheating
His way through university
I should've let him know
While he lent back
To mock and gloat
That he was a self-righteous cunt
At the butt of all jokes
And his surgery table
Is somewhere to stay clear of
And avoid at all unlavish costs

But generally

It's worthwhile letting go
For all I know
Karma has caught up
With his lacerated soul!

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