Chapter 1

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Author's Note: Hello again! Thank you to everyone who's about to read this.

This chapter will be shorter as an introduction and to explain what happened between book 1 and 2.

I'm so excited to present to you 'The Girl I Fell In Love With'!


Sunday 11th of August

"Santana!" Brittany shouted down the hall for the third time.

"Coming B!" Santana called back as she hopped down the hall tying the laces of her converse.

Brittany and Santana had agreed to go out for lunch with Rachel and Quinn and were supposed to meet them.

As Santana opened the front door she received a smack to the back of her head.

"OUCH!" She shouted.

"You should have been quicker then." Brittany shrugged. Her mouth curled into a smirk. She followed Santana through the door out of their apartment and locked it behind them.

"That actually really hurt." Santana replied with pout and furrowed brows as she rubbed the back of her head.

"Aww I'm sorry baby." Brittany sympathised. She leaned down and gave Santana a soft kiss as an apology. "I was trying to do what I know your Ma would do in that situation."

"She definitely would have smacked me on the head." Santana agreed. "I don't think she would have kissed me after though." She giggled.

"Oh no, the kiss was all me." Brittany replied with a wink. She took Santana's hand in her own and took the elevator down to the ground floor of the apartment building.


It had been 5 years since junior year. The girls were now 22 and more in love than ever.

After senior year, they graduated together and Santana attended NYU. Brittany went to Julliard for dance. They moved to New York together and rented a small one bedroom apartment.

That first year in New York was the hardest year for the girls individually and for their relationship. They were both attending classes at separate schools and working hard to keep good grades. Their schedules were often opposing which meant they didn't see each other that much. That distance put pressure on their relationship.

After graduating, Santana got a job working at a public relations company. She worked her way up the business and now owns her own company. Brittany became a professional dancer and did some choreographing too. She now owns her own studio and teaches there. She also choreographs occasionally when she is offered a job.

After saving some money, they moved into a bigger apartment. This one had two bedrooms, a larger kitchen and en suite bathrooms for both rooms. Rachel and Quinn live a few floors below them in the same apartment building.

Rachel attended NYADA and is now in rehearsals for her broadway debut in the show 'funny girl'. Quinn also went to NYU and studied to become a lawyer. She now works at a small firm and also works for Santana's public relations company.

Quinn and Rachel also kept their relationship going after school. It was also very hard for them as a couple. They both chose to live on campus and moved in together only last year.

The hardest times were behind them and now the two couples were enjoying living together and spending their days with the girl they love.


"Sorry we're late." Brittany said as she slid into the booth opposite Quinn and Rachel. Brittany always sat on the right so they wouldn't bump arms when eating because Santana is left handed.

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