11~ Skittles, nerds, airheads and chocolate

Start from the beginning

"Sometimes, I wonder whether I'm really your sister too" I said silently.


I made my into the store and grabbed a basket, feeling warmth from the store heating.

Humming to myself I walked to the sweets section, as I walked I noticed some disgusted looks coming from adults, covering their scared children's eyes. I wonder what they're problem is.

I started throwing bags of skittles, nerds, air heads and chocolate until my basket was full.

An old lady passed and gave me a sad sympethic glance, "poor child, don't know what you're getting yourself into" she muttered.

I chuckled and grabbed an apple from a pile nearby, there.

"Excuse me" a voice said.

I turned around and saw nothing. Am I imagining voices now?

"Down here" another voice said.

I looked down and saw four kids looking at me, two boys and two girls. I blinked, they blinked.

"Urr..yeah?" I said a little creeped out.

"Be quick Becca, so we can get out of here" a boy said and stared at me in fear.

A girl glared at him, "don't be a scaredy cat Tommy" she turned to me and smiled.

"I love your hair, can I touch it?" She exclaimed excitedly.

"Uhh..okay?" This is wierd, right?

Her green eyes shone and she gave me a heatwarming smile. I instantly liked her.

I took off my cap and shook my hair making it rise and frizz. She reached out and I crouched down to let her feel it.

The other kids were all hiding behind the second girl who rolled her eyes and pushed them of, "you're boys for fudge sake! Grow a pair!"

I burst out laughing, her voice was so cute that that sentence sounded very sweet instead of annoyed. How old was she?

One of the boys yelped at my laughter and tears started streaming down his face, "p-please d-d-don't e-eat us"

Eat them?

I looked down at my shirt and started laughing, trying to clutch the shelf for support. I missed it and slipped, hitting the shelf making almost everything fall and land on me.

Talk about embarassing.

"Steph?" A familiar voice calls. Shit.

I looked up and saw Didi looking at me with shock.

"Uh hey?" I said.

She burst out laughing, brought out her phone and took a picture.

"Hey! Delete that!" I got up and dusted myself.

"Nuh-uh" she shook her head chuckling. I rolled my eyes.

"You all are in big trouble" she turned to the children looking fierce.


"I don't wanna hear a word just go, Jane is waiting in the car" she pointed to the door, still looking as fierce as ever.

The boys scurried off immediately while the second girl rolled her eyes and followed them.

I looked at the first girl, "shouldn't you be going with them?"

She gave me a toothy grin, "I wanted to thank you for letting me play with your hair"

I smiled at her, "your welcome..."

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