"Hey," she said happily.

"Hey," he said, his voice sounded drawn out and distant.

"Are you alright? Your voice sounds off,"

He chuckled, "yeah.. just.. stoned."

Evelyn frowned a bit, "I have no idea what that means,"

"What? How do you not know?"

     "I was homeschooled," Evelyn said meekly.

     "Damn, so you don't know anything huh? Like, weed or anything interesting like that."

     Evelyn shook her head as they walked in the parking lot, "My Uncle was pretty strict. I never even had alcohol,"

     Jeremy's eyes widened, "you wanna change that?"

     "What do you have in mind?"

     He smirked, "come hang out with me at the bonfire tonight,"

     Evelyn bit her cheek. The excitement of something new was eating her insides. Then again, Elena didn't want her brother doing anything bad. She didn't know what to do.

    "I'll go on one condition,"

    Jeremy rose an eyebrow, "which is?"

     "Could you not drink as much? I don't want to be around a bunch of strangers with no one looking out for me,"

     Jeremy grinned, "nothing will happen to you, I've got you."

     Soon enough it was time for the bonfire. Elena had been telling her about it for a while. She dressed in a tank top, jacket, and her regular skinny jeans. Bonnie was also telling her how close Elena and the new guy, she learned his name was Stefan Salvatore, we're getting close and it was only the first day. She arrived after Elena and smiled. It was her first party.

Jeremy found her immediately and hauled her where Elena couldn't see. He handed her a bottle of brown liquid and smirked. Evelyn took a deep gulp. She gagged, almost spitting the liquid out. The younger Gilbert chuckled and took the bottle before drinking some himself. He gave her the bottle again and she drank some, letting it slide down her throat. It made her stomach feel weird but she enjoyed it already. Glancing at the name, she spotted it was called Jack Daniels. Soon enough they had drank half the bottle and Evelyn stopped herself, knowing she was going to get too drunk if she continued. Jeremy and her talked as it slowly crept up on her, the warmth of the alcohol making her want to put ice on her stomach. Evelyn laughed at her own dumb thought. She wished Jeremy a good rest of his night and wobbled off to talk with Elena.

    Then she paused. In front of her was Stefan Salvatore. He was talking with Elena and Evelyn's heart twisted in itself. She looked at his hand, where a very special ring was on his finger. Evelyn knew the ring well, they all could look different but it was indeed the ring her uncle told her about. His voice echoed in her head.

"If you ever see a ring like this, tear off its finger if you have to. In the sun they will burn and die," He growled, slamming the ring on the desk.
That was the first day she told him she didn't want to fight. "What if I don't want to?"
He pauses, staring at his twelve-year-old niece. Then, he told her to stand up. She obeyed with a wide-eyed look. Evelyn didn't know what she did wrong. She was ordered outside to the training yard. It was a dirt circle, many weapons in crates surrounding them. Evelyn was shaking, she knew something was wrong.
"Say that again," He growled.
"I-I just asked a question,"
He growled, "say it."
"W-what if I don't... I don't want to?"
He was in front of her with two long strides, grabbing her shoulder and throwing her to the dirt. She yelled out in pain when he kicked her in the gut. Then he grabbed her, hoisting, hoisting her up. She was face to face with the monster of her dreams. The demon under the stairs.
"If you don't want to, they will kill you. Now, what do you do when you see these damn rings?"
Evelyn was almost in tears, "rip it off of them if I can"
He smirked, letting her fall to the dirt, "good girl"

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