•author's note•

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And so we come to the end of this beautiful, beautiful journey. I started this book about two years ago and time and again, I have thought of abandoning it. Had it not been for your continuous support and encouragement, I don't think I would have ever been able to complete Bewitched.

Thank you to all who have accompanied me on this journey and an even bigger thank you to those who have been with me for the start. Those who gave this story a chance when no else would. I thank you from the deepest recesses of my heart.

As for the story, it has finally been edited. There were lot of changes that I made so that it becomes more pleasurable reading it. I also plan on starting another story, with high hopes that all of you would yet again accompany me as you did now.

Please forgive me if I have kept you all waiting so long or if I have ever disappointed you. Know and know for sure that I cherish and adore each one you and would be nothing without your undying support.

Please keep me in your prayers and don't forget to give me a follow so that you remain updated on my other works.


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