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Mahira stood rooted to the spot as both Zoe and Fawad emerged from the car

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Mahira stood rooted to the spot as both Zoe and Fawad emerged from the car. Glancing sideways, she saw that Zaroon had seemed to have stilled  as well.

"M, I'm so sorry I had to leave you-." Zoe began but was cut off.

"I was angry at you first. But Zaroon here gave me good company," Mahira smiled and noticed how Fawad fisted his hands at his sides.

"Really? Well, it's good to hear that you didn't spend your time sulking around." Zoe winked and glanced between the two of them, and Mahira was almost certain that she had left her intentionally.

Matchmaker much?

Mahira scowled with annoyance at the revelation and was about to retort when Zaroon beat her to it.

"Good to see you, Fawad." Zaroon said, although his stone hard face said otherwise.

"Pity it doesn't go both ways," A muscle ticked in Fawad's cheek and Mahira almost cowered from the fiery gaze with which he scrutinised Zaroon, who stood admirably tall.

Sensing the palpable tension in the air, Zoe nudged Mahira towards the Manzil but Mahira didn't budge. This exchange had intrigued her.
They must have had a bumpy history for them to act this way.

"Zaroon, I hope this 'getting to know session' included you being honest." Fawad tsked, "After all, it is bad manners to leave out certain information."

Mahira glanced at the man beside her, knowing that there was confusion written all across her face.

"Some things are better left unsaid, anyway." Fawad's lip curled at the sight of Zaroon's ashen face.

"I think that you forget that people change. It's a shame, really, that your perceptions remain as limited as they always were." Zaroon countered and flared back with equal intensity.

Fawad scoffed and looked at Mahira, flames dancing in his eyes. He opened his mouth to say something but thinking the better of it, hurried up the stairs, leaving the three of them in the driveway.

A second later, Zaroon too trudged off in the opposite direction.

"What was that all about?," Mahira let out a breath she didn't know she was holding.

"It's a long story," Zoe sounded flustered, "There's a lot of history between them but...but he's never acted this cold before."

"What do you mean?," Zoe looked over at Mahira and there seemed to be a sudden clarity in her eyes.

"Nothing," Zoe's face had paled, "Let's head inside, it's getting chilly."

Mahira, confused at her cousin's sudden change in behaviour let the matter at rest and let her lead her towards the foyer.


That night, the dinner table felt empty or so it seemed to Mahira. Zoe had gone to bed early, complaining of a headache. Zaroon too had excused himself, claiming he had to make an important call.

And Fawad. Fawad was nowhere to be seen since he had stormed off earlier that evening.

Mahira rolled the rice around in her plate, not really feeling hungry. She didn't know what was wrong with her. She had felt strange ever since she had come back from that ride out the other day.

There was light chatter and laughter among the guests on the table but Mahira felt no encouragement to take part in it. All she wanted was to get some fresh air and clear her head.

"I should go check up on Zoe," She suddenly announced, "She wasn't feeling well earlier."

Naureen looked up from her plate, "I told her that Fawad would manage everything but she insisted on going," She sighed, "Thank you, my dear. Please make sure she's taken her medicine."

With a nod, Mahira hurriedly got up from her chair and headed towards the staircase, relieved that she'd been excused.

She made her way towards the third level which housed the Manzil's own residents.
To her own surprise, she wondered which room was Fawad's.

Stopping in front of the third door on the right, she knocked lightly but no one responded. Peeking inside, she found Zoe to be fast asleep, snuggled cozily in her comforter.

Content, she headed back down to the foyer. The Grand Clock struck 7, which meant she still had two more hours to curfew. Smiling at the memory of her first encounter with Fawad, she headed outside.

The air was crisp but welcoming at the same time. As she walked the length of the driveway, her legs involuntarily traced her steps towards the alcove that led to the library. In a minute, she found herself face to face to the giant mahogany doors that stood guarding the magical place inside.

She hoped against hope that the library would be open at this time and could not believe her luck when the doors swung open with a giant creak.

The library instantly enveloped her in its warmth as soon as she stepped inside. Like the other day, it was dimly lit but this time with scented candles that adorned every nook and cranny.

Mahira breathed in the cinnamon and coffee scent. Suddenly, she was transported back to her own bedroom in Lahore where she had candles that smelt just like these.

Meandering through the large library, she felt an urge to explore the upper level, something she couldn't do the last time she was here.

With growing anticipation, she made her way up the winding staircase. Mahira had just taken the last step when she stilled in her tracks.

A  lone figure sat in the far corner on an arm chair. He was looking outside the window, which overlooked the vast gardens below.

Mahira's heart lurched when she realised it was Fawad. Not wanting to intrude on his solitude, she stepped back and tried to tiptoe away, careful not to make a sound.

"Spying is also punishable by law."

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Fawad or Zaroon?

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