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Finally tired of searching, Mahira sat down on her bed with a huff. Glancing outside through the window, she saw that the sun had finally set, in harmony with her mood.

Lost in her thoughts, she jumped up in surprise when Zoe came barging through the door.

"MAHIRAAAA!" She squealed before enveloping her in a hug once more.
"I'm so so glad you're here."

"I couldn't imagine not coming, Zoe."

Mahira directed her towards the settee placed in the corner, "So, how have things been?" She put a finger to Zoe's lips, "Before you say anything, I need to know who's the lucky man?"

"Oh you know, just someone." Zoe blushed and gave out a laugh when Mahira wriggled her eyebrows.

"A man whose mere mention can make someone like you blush. Stop beating around the bush, Zoe, I'm gettting curious." Mahira sat up straighter in hopes of digging every tiny detail.

"Well, we met in college-." Zoe looked up as if expecting a certain reaction.

"No judgement here, Zoe."

"I know, I'm sorry. It's just that people have been assuming so many things..." Mahira squeezed the hand of the doe-eyed girl sitting before her, knowing fully well the stigmas that plagued their society.

"They might not say but I can see it in their eyes. It's..it's scary how determined they are to prove that I've somehow stooped below values by choosing to marry someone I met in college. As if marriage with love as its foundation is sure to be doomed from the very start." Encouraged, Zoe rambled on.

"I can imagine how awful that must be. But at the end of the day,Zoe,this is your life and you have every right to make choices that come your way, even if they're wrong ones." Mahira gave her a comforting smile, "If someone's pointing fingers at your character for choosing to marry someone you love, then they themselves are at fault."

A huge grin made its way into Zoe's face.

"It's so comforting to know that I have you here, M. Mom and Bhai have been very supportive as well but sometimes I think all you need is a friend to tell you everything's going to be okay."

"Anytime, Zee. Now tell me, what happened next?"

And with that, the two of them plunged into a long conversation with Zoe recounting how she and Shehryar had met through mutual friends and then their journey of understanding and then eventually love.

They talked and gossiped amid laughter and teasing, recounting memories of when they were young and then their separate lives after. It almost seemed as if they had known each other forever and as they exchanged words easily, their conversation flowing like a smooth river, Mahira realised that the 10 year gap that once separated them, now ceased to exist.

"Zoe, I think you should go get some rest." Mahira said, seeing a yawn escape her cousin's lips. "After all, we don't want the bride collapsing anytime now."

An amused expression clouded Zoe's features and she got up to leave only just realising how tired she was.

"It's so surreal, I'm getting married. Who would've thought I'd settle down so soon."
Zoe said, her eyes getting hazy by the second.

"True. I thought I'd be the first to get married in the family." Mahira joked.

"Don't you worry, M. There are plenty of fish in the sea." Zoe drawled, her eyes sparkling, "One particularly named Zaroon."

"Wait, what?" Leaving her unanswered and brimming with questions, Zoe rushed out the door, her buoyant and teasing laugh buzzing in the hallway until it finally disappeared.

"Wait, what?" Leaving her unanswered and brimming with questions, Zoe rushed out the door, her buoyant and teasing laugh buzzing in the hallway until it finally disappeared

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That night, Mahira could not sleep. She knew what Zoe had meant and it had somehow bothered her, for what reason she did not know. Maybe it was because she had wanted Zoe to utter someone else's name.

This whole situation, Mahira realised, had turned into one big question mark. Afraid to search her own heart- knowing full well that she'd find her answers there- and her head brimming with questions about these strange new feelings, Mahira finally forced herself into a deep sleep.

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