•twenty nine•

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5 months later

Mahira sat at one of the dhaaba tables and breathed in the crisp evening air. Fairy lights illuminated the small restaurant and the numerous people that sat in huddled groups, sipping chai or just chatting. Rattling her hands on the table in wait of her own cup, Mahira's eyes caught sight of the diamond ring that adorned her fourth finger. A wistful smile made its way onto her face.

She didn't have time to ponder, for a hot steaming cup of chai was placed in front of her.
Zaroon sat down with a huff, bearing his own mug.

"This place is getting crowded day by day. We might have to look for another chai dhaaba very soon."

Mahira shrugged and took a sip. A moan escaped her lips moments later, "Mmm, I don't think we'll be abandoning this spot anytime soon."

She watched as Zaroon too moaned just as he took his first sip, "I think you're right." He laughed and was joined in by Mahira.

They sat in silence as each of them chugged down the hot, milky liquid in their cups

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They sat in silence as each of them chugged down the hot, milky liquid in their cups. Mahira gazed aimlessly at the sky and then at the man before her.

Zaroon, her saviour.
The one who had stuck around and helped pick up the pieces when no one else would. Who had given her comfort and companionship when she had felt most vulnerable. The one who now occupied a large part of her heart. And now here she was, wearing a ring of his name.

"Everything okay?" Mahira who realised she had been staring at Zaroon for far too long, flushed and looked away.

"Hmm." She nodded and gave Zaroon a huge, heartfelt smile.

"You can tell me, you know." He quipped.

"Tell you what?" Mahira fired back, challenge in her voice.

"That I'm the most handsome man you've ever seen and that you can't take your eyes off of me."

Mahira could not help but laugh, "Get over yourself, you obnoxious man."

"Never." He said and flashed a dazzling smile.

It was late when Zaroon finally dropped Mahira at her door.

"Mama's gonna be mad. She told me very clearly to be back by 10."

"Hm, I doubt that. She knows you're in good hands." Zaroon gave her a playful wink.

"Haha, funny." Mahira rolled her eyes, "Wanna come inside? We can savour my homemade muffins."

"As tempting as the offer is, I'll have to refuse."

"What a gentleman." Mahira teased.

"No, actually I think we both have to go to work tomorrow."

"Oof, just when I had begun to let loose." Mahira pouted, "Thanks for the great night, by the way."

"Anytime." He gave her a fake salute. The smile on his face held a thousand unspoken words. Words that Mahira understood all too clearly.

Giving him an equally radiant smile, Mahira headed inside.

Hundreds of miles away, Fawad sat in his office, tending to the insurmountable paperwork of the Manzil. This was all he did these days. Absorbing himself in his work gave him solace, refuge and little opportunity to think of other things.

A sudden knock on the door jolted him from his work.

"Come in." He said, his voice raspy.

He was surprised when he saw his mother in the doorway.

"Mama, everything alright?"

"Yes, dear. Just thought I'd bring you some tea." She said and put the steaming cup of chai in front him, "You've been so absorbed in the Manzil's issues, you've barely had time for yourself."

"Hmm, Mir Sahab was a great help. I'm looking for a replacement, don't worry. The work load won't be as much when we hire." He said, knowing full well his mother knew the details.

"Yes, yes." Naureen rubbed her temple. Something was bothering her.

"Ma, what's wrong?" Fawad put down his pen and gazed at his mother.

"Nothing, it's just that.I don't know how to say this." Naureen sighed, "Sonam..Sonam has broken off the engagement."

She was surprised to find however, that no shock resided on Fawad's features. Instead, his face only contained grim understanding. He already knew.

 He already knew

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