•twenty six•

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Suddenly feeling short of breath, Mahira swayed at her spot.

"Are you okay?" Sonam asked, concern spreading across her features.

"There you are. I was wondering where you had gone off to." Zaroon appeared from around the corner and Mahira let out a shaky breath, so very thankful for her saviour.

Gulping down the tears that threatened to flow from her eyes, she turned towards him making him stop in his tracks.

"What happened?" He asked, his brows furrowed in confusion.

"Nothing..I..," Mahira tried to say something but no words came out. Glancing at Fawad, she saw that he was still staring at the ground, his shoulders slumped.

Zaroon followed her gaze and grasped Mahira's arm as he tried to make sense of the situation. Looking over at him, Mahira silently asked him to take her away.

"Your mother has been looking for you. Let's go." He said, tight lipped.

He was about to lead her away when Fawad lept forward, "Mahira, wait." There was a pleading tone in his voice and his eyes were glazed.

But Mahira, who could feel her heart breaking into tiny little pieces with every second that passed, did not look back. Instead, she nudged Zaroon and allowed him to lead her away, knowing full well that she could not do so herself.

Instead of taking her to the Hall, Zaroon led her to the gardens through the back door. It was only then that Mahira melted against Zaroon's side and allowed her tears to flow.

"Are you okay?" He asked worriedly, laying an arm around her lean shoulders.

"Mahira, please, say something."

"Would you..." Mahira gulped, "Would you do me a favour and call my mother. I.."

"Yes of course. I'll be right back." He helped her sit on the nearby bench and was about to leave when Mahira caught him by the sleeve.

"Did you know...," She asked, "Did you know that he was.."

Zaroon stilled under her intense gaze, "I..I had my suspicions." He finally surrendered, knowing full well what she was referring to, and left to search for Ghazala.

It was a while before Mahira felt a gentle hand on her shoulder. Her lip quivered as she locked eyes with her mother's soft compassionate ones.

"Zoe's just about to leave," Ghazala said quietly, "Why don't you come and see her off and we'll sort this out then."

Mahira let out a forlorn sigh. Her mind had shut down and she felt numb all over. As much as she wanted to be alone, she knew that she could not do this to Zoe. After all, she had been the only one who had tried to protect her from getting hurt despite having the power to tell her the truth. It wasn't her story to tell, anyways.

Heaving a tired sigh, Mahira wiped her face and locked arms with her mother, not really sure whether she could stay upright.

Everyone had now gathered in the driveway to see off the bride. Amid sobs and the emotional despair that reeked from the crowd, Mahira too allowed her tears to flow. For those around her, it would seem that her tears were for the same reason as theirs. If only they knew.

A mere second had passed when she felt the warmth of Zaroon beside her. Instinctively she leaned towards its comfort.

"Mahira, where's Mahira?" Zoe's voice echoed in the driveway.

Taking a deep breath and propelled by the encouraging hand that Zaroon placed on the small of her back, Mahira made her way towards the front of the crowd.

With the understanding in Zoe's eyes, Mahira almost instantly knew that she had guessed what might've taken place.

In their brief embrace, Zoe managed to whisper out, "I'm sorry." And then she was gone, leaving Mahira vulnerable to Fawad's gaze who stood on the other side of the driveway.

" And then she was gone, leaving Mahira vulnerable to Fawad's gaze who stood on the other side of the driveway

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Her blood boiled and she turned away, barely sparing him a glance. With a huff, she stomped through the entrance, not sure she could stand being in his presence a minute longer. She was joined by Ghazala as she made her way up the staircase.

"Let's go home, Ma." Mahira breathed out.

"We're leaving tomorrow." Her mother said in a definite voice, making Mahira abruptly turn around. But before she could say anything, hasty footsteps were heard and Naureen came into view.

"Ghazala, please listen to me." Naureen cried, her face puffy.

"I don't think there's much you can say."

"Please, let me explain.." Naureen pleaded once again.

"By keeping us in the dark, you have put us both in pain. By God, I can't see my daughter like this," Ghazala seethed, "I was always clear regarding my intentions for Fawad and Mahira yet you never..." Taking a deep breath, she continued, "yet you never had the audacity to tell me that he was engaged and to be married in a few months?"

"Ghazala, please don't do this." A lone tear made its way down Naureen's cheek.

"We leave in the morning, Naureen." Mahira's mother said with finality, "Come, dear." Grabbing her daughter's hand, Ghazala led her up the staircase to their room.

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