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How on earth could she have forgotten about him?
But that is not what had held her rooted to the spot. Instead she stood agape at the fact that what had once been a pimple faced, lanky adolescent boy, was now this handsome young man that stood before her.

Clad in an expensive looking tailored suit, which fit his toned body perfectly, Mahira could almost make out the muscled abs that lay underneath. His black slicked hair and onyx eyes complimented each other impeccably, and the light stubble on his cheeks was enough to make any girl go weak in the knees.

Mahira was suddenly broken out of her trance when Fawad turned towards her. His eyes roamed her face for the slightest of seconds before he gave her a slight nod and turned to leave.

"We shall catch up soon, Aunt Ghazala." He told her mother with a small smile, and then he was gone.

A small blush crept up Mahira's cheeks as she realised how foolish she must have seemed, standing there idly and gawking at a man who had barely spared her a glance.
She would not let her resolve break, she decided. After all, arrogance and conceit were the two things that she most despised in a man.

Thus when Naureen apologised on her son's behalf by saying, "Please don't mind Fawad's manners. He was in a hurry to attend a friend's wedding."

Mahira replied with a simple shrug, "Not at all."

After dinner had been served, Mahira and her mother were shown to their individual rooms.
"You must be so tired," Ghazala yawned as she sifted through her bag.

"My head's throbbing terribly," Mahira let out a sigh as she rubbed her temples.

"I packed in some painkillers in your bag. Take one before you sleep."

"Will do," She turned to leave but stopped, "I never knew you had so many relatives."

"The  last time we gathered like this was ten years ago when Sajjo Baji got married. You were so young back then, you probably don't remember any of them."

"I can't believe I'd forgotten about Fawad as well."

"He's become quite the young man."

Mahira scoffed, "He didn't even spend two minutes with you. Favourite aunt, pfft!"

"He was very close to me when he was young. He's always been this way, a little closed off."

"Hmm," She muttered idly and turned to go to her room.

"Good night, sleep tight," Ghazala sing songed.

"Don't let the bed bugs bite," Mahira chuckled at their nightly routine and closed the door behind her.

To Mahira's delight, her room's window overlooked the Manzil's gardens and the vastness beyond them, something that she knew she'd enjoy during her stay. She changed into her PJ's and popped in a painkiller, tiredness and sleep evading her senses.

However, as soon as her head hit the pillow, the drowsiness that she had been feeling earlier vanished as if it had never even been there in the first place.

Unwillingly, her mind wandered to Fawad and the mysterious aura that surrounded him.

"What's wrong with you, Mahira?" She scolded herself while getting up with a huff, suddenly feeling claustrophobic

Sliding her feet into her flip flops, she decided that she'd take a stroll in the gardens. Maybe that would help her clear her mind.

Closing her room's door quietly behind her, she noticed how the hallways and the foyer were still lit, albeit a bit dimly. She made her way down the grand staircase, all the while admiring the extravagant interior of the Manzil.

A chilly gust of air hit her as soon as she was outside. Wrapping her arms around herself for warmth, Mahira walked over to a darkened area of the garden- not wanting to be seen roaming around at this late hour.

It had only been a few seconds when there was a sudden rustling in the bushes behind her. She turned around instinctively and was met with the silhouette of a figure. A scream erupted in her throat, but before it could be let out, a hand clamped her mouth shut.

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