
166 5 91

Whenever any of the sides are feeling touch starved, it actually makes them feel physically starved. Though it doesn't affect their weight, it causes them immense pain. 

1) Virgil, during his transition from one side of the mind to the other, had no one. And it stayed that way, until one day Virgil collapsed in pain in front of someone else, ending up begging them to help him.

2)Patton gets sick and so avoids the others for a few days, but when he's recovered he gets borderline addicted to pain killers in order to ease the physical pain and keep himself from being a bother

3) Roman goes on an adventure lasting several days. He doesn't take anyone and returns home bloodied, bruised and desperate for attention.

4) Logan, for some unknown reason, has the highest "cuddle metabolism" of all and needs affection the most, struggling to go a full day without some kind of touch. He's always got a low body temperature compared to everyone else and will hold hands if he's not curled up with someone or snuggling under a mountain of blankets.

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