
147 0 141

Entomophobia (noun) : a specific phobia characterised by excessive or unrealistic fear of one or more classes of insect.

Warning for phobias, child neglect, lots of bug talk, mentions of getting high with nondescript drugs

Logan is terrified of bugs, almost irrationally so. He sprays himself down with bug spray every time he goes outside, keeps windows closed in even the middle of summer and cleans obsessively. His phobia is far too intense for someone his age, and it turns out it's because he used to get locked in the basement, surrounded by only insects and the dark, because as a child he'd scared his parents by being quiet and popping up out of nowhere when they were high.

He's an adult now but his fears are still obvious in his ownership of a spotless apartment that smells of peppermint with his only garden being a small herb garden that he refuses to let any bugs near.

He rents a new apartment after finding it to be less effort to keep bug free, only he'll have a roommate now, but Hey, that's someone to deal with the bugs.

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