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for MendesGrimes16

thank u for reading <3


"Babe, are you sure you're feeling alright? I can run to the store and get you some more medicine or something. I- I don't know what-" 

"Shawn, I'm okay." I smile softly to him as he nods his head, running his hands through his curls. He sits down on the edge of the bed and places the back of his hand on my forehead. "You're still hot." "Why, thank you." I bat my eyelashes as he rolls his eyes playfully at me. 

"You know what I mean, dork. Aren't you hot under all of those blankets. Here let me-" Shawn starts to reach out to pull one of the four blankets off of me, and I swat his hand away. "No! I'm cold..." I pull the blankets up to my neck and he laughs. "You are so adorable." I feel my face get hot, but I'm sure he can't tell since I'm already red from the fever. 

"So, do you want some ice cream?" He stands up from the bed and begins to reach for his car keys that are sitting on our dresser. "Yeah.. but I would rather cuddle." My voice gets small as I make the request, and he immediately sets down the keys, and takes off his shoes before sliding under the covers with me. I smile, happy with his quick response.

He pulls me into his chest and wraps both of his arms around me as I snuggle into his warm embrace. "Shawn, I'm gonna get you sick." I sniffle, and I feel his hands rubbing soothing patterns onto my back, my small frame seeming to disappear in his large hands. 

I'm wearing Shawn's boxers and shirt. Call it weird, but I call it comfy.

"I don't care if you get me sick, Love." He presses a kiss to my forehead, and mumbles in my ear, "I love you too much to care about silly things like that." My heart flutters at his words and I let my eyes rest, falling asleep to his hands running through my hair.

3 days later

"Shawn, are you sure you're good?" I peek my head into the bedroom where Shawn is laying in bed. His rosy cheeks and sticky hair put a smile on my face. "Yeah, I'm okay." He pouts, and I walk over to the bed before laying under the covers with him. I turn to face him. "Do you need some cuddle time?"

"Yes, please."


im back bitches


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