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It's my 2 year anniversary today with my boyfriend. We got together near the Holiday season, so it's always snowing beautifully on our anniversary, which I look forward to for many more years to come. We just got an apartment together a few months ago, so I'm still settling in. I love him with all my heart.

"Babe, I'm home!" I hear him call from downstairs.

"I'm coming!" I run downstairs and jump into his arms right away.

"I missed you Y/n." He kissed the top of my head.

"I missed you too, Cam."

"I brought you something."

"Oh, did you now?"

He pulled out a box of chocolates from behind his back. I guess he forgot I'm lactose intolerant..

"Oh! Umm, thanks!" I took the chocolates from him and set them on the counter.

"So what do you wanna do today, Cam?"

I faced him with curious eyes, watching his every move while he was just looking at his watch.

"I'm kind of tired. I was thinking we could
just chill and order pizza or something."

"Oh. Okay." Cameron took off his jacket and shoes, set his keys down on the counter, and plopped himself down on the couch.

"Umm, I'm gonna go run and get some things. I'll be back in like 2 hours."

"Okay." He didn't even look back at me.

I walked out of the apartment, and shot a text to Shawn.

Me: Hey, u busy rn?

A few seconds later I felt my phone buzz.

Shawn💙: No, y?
Shawn💙: How's the anniversary going?
Me: Can I come over?
Shawn💙: Of course

I shut my phone off and shoved it in my back pocket as I walked down the apartment building stairs. I left the building, and got into my Jeep.
I pulled into Shawn's snowy driveway, and sat in my car for a while, trying to figure out what I was even doing here. On my anniversary. I hit my head on the steering wheel until I heard a voice. For a second I thought I was on something until I recognized the voice.

"Ummm, you okay?"

I snapped my head up to see Shawn standing outside of my car door looking at me with a smile. He was bundled up in a puffy jacket and a hoodie on underneath. He must have still been freezing, and here I was in jeans and a hoodie.

"Oh, yeah. You know, just at my best friend's house instead of my apartment. With my boyfriend. On my anniversary."


"Why are you at my car anyway?"

"Why are you at my house?"

"Alright you win." I opened my car door, causing Shawn to back up a little, before turning my car off and getting out.

Shawn and I walked into his huge house in silence as he went to the kitchen and I sat down on the couch. I used to come here all the time when I first started college, but the gap when Shawn was on tour prevented us from hanging out as much here. I knew how proud he was to be able to buy himself this beautiful house on his own, and for a split second, I wondered what it would be like to share it with him.

Shawn walked over to me with a mug full of coffee.

"Oh thanks but-."

"The creamer is almond milk, don't worry I remembered."

I smiled to myself as I took a sip of the coffee, and Shawn wrapped a blanket around me, then proceeded to sit next to me, and wrap an arm around my shoulders.

"You don't have to talk if you don't want to."

I snuggled into Shawn's shoulders, and just drank my coffee, not saying anything.

"Y/n, can I tell you something?"


Shawn took a shaky breath before continuing.

"Don't take this the wrong way. I-I mean."

He sighed, and then mumbled, "Nevermind."

"No, tell me."

"Okay. I'm not trying to ruin what you have going on with Cam, cause I always want you to be happy. But... I kind of umm.."

My heart skipped a beat before I turned my head to look up at him and asked, "You kind of what?"

"I like you, y/n.. well actually, I love you."


I love Shawn. Of course I do. But I'd never thought of him in that way... until now..?

"I mean, don't I ever come across your mind? I always think about you. And, I just.. I just wanted to tell you. Even if I can't be with you. I just want to see you happy, happier than you are, and I know I can do that for you."

I sat up, disconnecting myself from Shawn's touch.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to make it weird. Just.. forget I said anything.."

Shawn looked down at his hands, and played with his fingers. I was trying to process what Shawn had just done. To our friendship.. to our everything. But before I could, it was almost as though my heart acted before I could think.

I lifted Shawn's head up by his chin with my hand gently, and pressed my lips against his. Softly, but in that small moment, that delicate, little moment, I knew what I wanted. And it wasn't Cameron.

"Y/n... what about-?"

"Shh, we'll worry about that later. Right now. I just want you."

I smiled at Shawn as he leaned in once more. These kisses with Shawn weren't like the ones I shared with Cameron. Of course I loved Cameron, but I was in love with Shawn. And that one small word, "in," changed everything.

There's the end of yet another chapter :)

I kind of liked this one :p I do have mixed feelings about "us" cheating on Cam, but hey, it's Shawn what can we do haha

If you enjoyed, make sure to follow me, comment next chapter ideas (that I will do after this little song series;)), share, and vote on my chapters! My posting schedule is gonna be every friday.

Thank you to whoever is reading this, it really does make my day a little better knowing that someone out there might be enjoying these as much as I enjoy writing them :) Alrighty then,


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