V Day Baby!

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"Whattttttttt." I giggled at his response. Our legs were tangled with each other's as we were laying on our shared bed, watching a Gossip Girl marathon (per usual).

"Tomorrow's Valentine's Day, huh?"

"Yep." He looks over to me and smiles, and I rest my head on his shoulder as I smile back.

"God, I fucking hate Valentine's Day."

"Yeah, you tell me every year, Y/n."


We sit in silence for a bit as I watch Serena van der Woodsen on the screen. And holy shit I'm jealous of her.


"What?" I snap out of my daze.

"I asked if you want to do anything tomorrow."

I lift my head up off of his shoulder so I can look at him while I talk to him. Every time I look at Shawn, I swear he gets more beautiful.

"Nah. Just the usual."

"Why don't you let me spoil youuuu?" He reaches over and grabs my hands, holding them in his own, as he pecks me on the lips. I smile.

"I just don't think there should be a day that makes people treat each other with more love than usual. If you really love the person you're with, you'd treat every day like Valentine's Day with them. Which you do." I lean over to kiss him, and he hums.

"Aright, well I can't promise you that I'm not gonna do something."


"Don't worry! You'll like it. Or should I say her?"


"Shit, I said too much already."

"Whatever." I laugh and push him playfully, and he puts his hands up in surrender.

"Well, we should really go to bed." I pick up the tv remote and turn it off, before placing the remote on my nightstand that's conveniently right next to me.

"Alright, I love you y/n." He kisses me on the nose.

"Goodnight, Shawn."

I turn off the light in the bedroom, which is also a switch that is right next to me. I get under the covers of the bed, and hear Shawn do the same as I get comfy, and eventually close my eyes, falling asleep.
I wake up and immediately roll over in bed to see Shawn, but to my disappointment he's not there. I frown as I sit up in bed.

"Shawn?" No response.

I get up out of bed, and walk over to my dresser, opening the top drawer where my socks are. I grab the fuzziest ones I see, and hop from foot to foot as I slip them on. I throw on one of Shawn's hoodies, since I fell asleep in a sports bra and leggings, and then run down the stairs. I hear Shawn singing in the kitchen.

We find love
We get up
And we fall down
We give up
(a/n: those of u who know this song i love u)

I reach the bottom of the stairs and see Shawn dancing while making pancakes. I smile to myself until he sees me, instantly turning red.

"Oh, good morning!" He yells to me, holding a spatula in one hand and a bag of chocolate chips in the other.

"Mornin'." I was never a morning person until I got to wake up to Shawn everyday.

I walk over to where he is, and sit on one of the bar stools.

"Whatcha making?" I lean over to look into the pan, and see a pancake in the shape of a heart. "How did you even-?" I'm cut off by the sound of barking. Barking??

"Oh, shit. I forgot they do that." Shawn turns off the stove and sets down everything he's holding before running over to the other side of the house. I stand up from my seat.

"Shawn where are you-?" "No! Stay over there it's a surprise!" He comes running back over to where I am, but hides half of his body behind one of the walls, blocking my view from seeing what he's holding.

"Shawn what are you doing?" I laugh.

"Okay, I know you said not to do anything. But I was thinking. And, I know how much you've always wanted one, and I know I'm allergic so I got one that wouldn't shed as much and I can take allergy meds and- okay I'm talking too much." He giggles nervously as he messes with the bandana in his hair, but still keeps his other arm hidden.


"Oh, right." He jumps out from behind the wall and cradles a puppy in his arms.


"Oh my god. Shawn!" I run over to him and put my arms out to pet the small creature in his hands. It licks my hand and wags its' tail in response.

"Why-How-When did you even-??" I'm at a loss of words as he puts the puppy in my arms, his smile never leaving his face.

"It's V Day baby!"

"You're such a dork." I laugh as he kisses me on the lips.
Surprise chapter for Valentine's Day! There's still another one coming out tomorrow too!

Shawn's literally perfect.

Vote, comment/comment chapter ideas, share, and message me if u just wanna chat (idk lmao😂).

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