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Shawn's pov
"Shawn! We can't keep doing this. What do you not understand about that?"

Y/n. I love her, and she's trying to break up with me? Over what?

"Give me one good reason why we should break up! One good reason, Y/n!"

She stood there. Not knowing what to say. Her y/e/c eyes tearing up. I knew she didn't want to end this. So why?

Three months later

I'm on tour now, and Y/n and I talk on the phone almost everyday. I want to end things now, I really do.. but I just feel like I can't. I'm sitting on my hotel bed, staring at my phone waiting for it to light up with her name on it, but it doesn't. I take a deep breath.

"Hey, Shawn." I turn to look at my hotel door and see two of the models from the runway I performed at a few hours ago walking over to me. One blonde, with blue eyes, and the other brunette with green eyes. Who gave them my room number, and hotel name?

"Umm, hey." The girls smile. They're wearing their outfits from the show, so basically nothing. They're gorgeous, they really are. But they aren't Y/n.

They come over onto the bed with me, where I'm sitting on the edge with my legs dangling off the side, and they both rest an arm on each of my shoulders. I stand up to get away from their touch.

"Oh, umm, sorry I have a girlfriend." They both giggle. The blonde one looks around and then whispers, "I don't see her." They both smile seductively, and bat their eyelashes.

I see my phone ringing on the dresser. Y/n. I look over to my phone with a slight panic in my eyes, and they both follow my gaze over to my phone. I quickly reach for it, but the brunette beats me to it. Shit.

"Y/n? Ohhh, is this the girlfriend?" She turns the phone around so I can see the screen. Y/n's picture and name lighting up the screen. They laugh before answering the phone. I'm frozen, why can't I just fucking move?

"Hello? Y/n? Yeah sorry he's a bit... busy.. right now. Doing what? Oh, well I'm not sure if you'd want to know." They both laugh. I reach over and snatch the phone out of their hands. They look at me in shock.

"Get out of my fucking room." They're still sitting there. "Now!" They get off of the bed quickly, and run out of the room, as I walk over to the door and shut the it behind them, being sure to lock it this time. "Hello?" Oh shit, Y/n.

"Hello? Hey, Y/n, sorry that was just-."

"No, it's fine you don't have to explain."

"No, but I do. They came into my room and I don't even know who they are and-."

"Shawn, just stop. We're not even together anymore. You don't owe me an explanation. You can do what you want."

Is this seriously happening again?

"Y/n, we never broke up. We're still together!" I laughed at how ridiculous she was being.

"Shawn. We didn't have to break up, it was already over."

"What do you mean it was already over?"

"Look. I didn't want to have to do it like this, but, we're done Shawn. We can't be together. I thought you knew that, but, I guess you needed to hear the words."


I hear distant shouting. Probably her mom who's always up her ass.

"I have to go, Shawn. Talk to you later?"

"Um, yeah. Sure. Later." I smile weakly to no one but myself, my head leaned back up against the door.

"Alright, bye Shawn."


She hangs up and I'm left with a million questions. But in some odd way, I feel relieved.
This one was trash
My imagines have been really sad lately
I never noticed how sad Illuminate was until now haha.
Be sure to vote if you want to read more :)
Talk to y'all next Friday!

Shawn Mendes ImaginesssWhere stories live. Discover now