Forgive Me ?

573 9 1



"Y/n, come on."

"I fucking said no, Shawn." I stay put in my position, not bothering to turn around. Just looking at him will make me forgive him. I can't do that, not yet at least.

I feel his hand rest on my shoulder, and his thumb run in circles. I close my eyes and take in the feeling.

"Okay. Well, when you wanna talk, I'm always here, alright?" I roll my eyes and sit up in bed facing him.

"When I 'wanna talk?' You're not actually serious right now, right?" His hand comes up to his face as he rubs his forehead in what seems to be concentration.

"Babe, come on. I didn't tell you because I knew you'd make a bigger deal out of it then it is." I stand up and get off of the bed in order to put a little more distance between us.

"Okay, lets go over it then. A model on Instagram sent you fucking nudes, and you didn't tell her to stop when she sent even more of them." I place my hands on my hips as I stare Shawn in the eyes, I can tell just how guilty he is by the way his eyes are changing color. Anyone that didn't know him as well as I do would never notice.

"Hon'. Seriously I-." "And let's not forget that she comments on all of your posts, asking when you're gonna "hang out" with her again at her place." "Baby please-." "How about the fact that you follow her back? Huh? What can you possibly use as an excuse for that?"

"Holy shit, will you let me talk for 2 seconds? My god." He lets himself fall back on the bed as he runs his hands through his curls, and he stares up at the ceiling. "Go ahead then, I'll wait."

Shawn sighs before speaking. "This girl is one of my manager's daughters." "Oh, fuck." I bite my lip as realization settles in on how quick I was to jump to conclusions.

"I can't do anything about any of what she does, because if I do, she'll go running to her parents. Trust me, she's done it to my friends. Why do you think Lyn doesn't get gigs anymore?" "Who's Lyn?" "Exactly." A small chuckle escapes his lips, and I can't help but smile in response. "So, you're stuck with her doing this crap?" I sit down on the bed next to where he's laying, and rest my hand on his leg while looking down at his face.

I admire his features; the small scar, his beautiful eyes, and his bottom lip that's slightly larger than his top one.

"Yeah, I guess so. If it really bothers you, I can bring it up with-." "No, don't. That could ruin your whole career if it's one of your managers." Shawn sits up and cups the side of my face lovingly in one of his hands, while his other rests on top of mine which is on his thigh. I lean my head to the side as I let my eyes close to feel his hand just a little more.

"I love you, Doll. I always have, and always will." I smile as I open my eyes to see his gorgeous features yet again. "How did I get so lucky?" I lean over a bit to kiss him softly, and feel his hand squeeze my thigh. I gasp as I pull away. "Shawn, is there ever a moment where you aren't a horny teenage boy?"

"Hey, for your information, I am not a teen. Also to answer your question, not when I'm with you." I laugh and roll my eyes playfully as he pulls me in for a hug, and kisses my forehead gently.

sorry about the late post! I got caught up with finals and things of that sort, so I hope you can forgive me 🙈💕

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