There's Nothing Holding Me Back

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"Y/n! Come on!"

I try to keep up with Shawn as he's pulling me by my hand throughout Paris. He was currently on tour and wanted to see everything, even if him and I were exhausted. I didn't really mind though. I mean, how could I complain?

"Shawn! Slow down." I giggled, and Shawn turned back just to look at me as he smiled.

"Y/n, how can I slow down when we're in Paris??"

He pulled me all the way up the stairs to a building, and as soon as we got to the top he stopped to look at the view.

"Wow." Shawn looked at me and smiled.

"This is gorgeous."

"Yeah. But not as gorgeous as you, doll."

"Shawn, you're so corny." I laughed as I went to hit his arm, but right as I did he started running back down the stairs.

"I'll race you to that building over there!" Shawn pointed to a faraway building with massively tall walls, and started sprinting down the stairs.

"Oh my god!" I started sprinting after him, but my small legs were no match for his long ones.

I was struggling as I was trying to keep my hair from flying in my face, and keep my dress down. Not to mention I was wearing 3 inch heels. Shawn was already reaching the building, so I stopped to take off my shoes.

The floor was cold, but it was better than breaking an ankle. I could hear the tapping of my feet hitting the ground as I now held my shoes in my left hand. Not even halfway to the building.

"Babe! Come on!" Shawn cheered me on as I ran, which wasn't helping at all. I stopped and sat on the ground cross legged in the middle of everyone walking, and just shrugged my shoulders at Shawn in an attempt to get him to carry me. He ran back over to me.

"You're really gonna make me do this?"

"Whatever do you mean darling?" I mocked him as I cocked my head to one side.

"Up you go then." In one swift movement he picked me up and threw me over his shoulder, making me laugh uncontrollably.

"Sh-Shawn!!" I yelled in between laughs.

Before I knew it, he pulled me back over his shoulder and set me down on my feet. He now had his back pressed up against the wall of the building, and he just stood there looking me in my eyes. I pressed myself closer to him.

"Y/n.. you're so beautiful."


He played with my hair awkwardly, petting it with his huge hands as he cupped my cheek with his other hand. He leaned in and pressed his lips against mine. Softly. But in that moment, I knew, that there was nothing holding us back from falling even more in love with each other than we already were.

Well that's the end :)

The end is corny, but so is Shawn sometimes so I guess that makes it okay hehe

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