No Promises

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A/n: just realized no promises is smut material too so... surprise!
it's not like really smut..? idk just read it (if u want :))
Shawn🥵: Hey, you on your way?

I smile to myself as I see the text, almost tripping because of the distraction my phone was causing as I was trying to walk down the streets. I was on my way to a hotel (a nice one might I add) in order to... meet up with Shawn. We weren't really dating or anything. It was more of a no strings attached sorta thing.

Me: Yeah ;) A block away.

I only have to wait a few seconds before I get a reply.

Shawn🥵: Yeah I see you out the hotel window.
Shawn🥵: That sounded creepy sorry.

I giggle to myself as I reach the doors to the hotel lobby. I instantly feel like everyone's eyes are on me as push open the doors and enter the lobby, even though they most likely aren't. I had dressed appropriately in a formal long sleeved black blouse, and slacks, with a diamond necklace and silver platform heels. I walk up to the front desk where I'm greeted with a smile from a young looking woman.

"Hello! Do you have a room booked?"
"Hi, no actually. I'm just meeting a guest, Shawn Mendes."

The lady laughs quietly.

"Oh, I see. You aren't the first person to come here. I'm sorry but I can't let you to his room."

"Excuse me?"

"Ma'm I'm sorry. I'm sure you're a big fan but-."

"Shawn Mendes is my boyfriend. Now I recommend you give me his fucking room number before I call him myself, and let him know just how bad the service I received in the front lobby from.." I look at her name tag. "-Debby."

She looked at me in shock before frantically pulling up his room number on her computer screen.

"Room n-number 336, penthouse, top floor."

"Thank you. Have a nice day!"

I turn on my heel and walk towards the elevator before pressing the up button, and entering. The doors close behind me, and a few people hop into the elevator with me as the floor number steadily increases. Penthouse. Finally. I straighten out my blouse as the elevator doors open, and I exit it. I walk down the hall until I see door number 336. I knock 3 times and then wait.

"Coming!" I smile to myself as I hear Shawn's voice.

He swings open the door and there he stands, in all his glory, in a white t-shirt with grey sweat pants, his curly hair loosely flowing with a few pieces dangling from his forehead, and his necklace hanging out of his shirt.

"Hey, Y/n." He smiles, and I almost melt.

"Hey, Shawn." I smile back at him, fixing my hair, suddenly feeling self conscious.

"Come in." He steps aside and I step in, looking around to see guitars stacked neatly against the walls, and glass windows at the end of the room, with a view over the whole city.

"Wow. Nice place you've got here."

"Thanks." I hear the door close and then lock, and I turn around to see Shawn looking me up and down. I blush as I look down at the floor.

"Soo.. you wanna see my room?"

"Sure." He grabs my hand, and leads me out from the doorway area, and through another doorway that connects both rooms. One being a room with a king sized bed, and a large bathroom, and the other being the one we had just left.

I step forward so I'm now in front of Shawn as I look around to take in the room. I then feel Shawn place his hands on my waist, and move my hair to one side. My breathing becomes unsteady as I feel him press his lips onto my neck. I move my head to one side to give him better access.

He stops, and whispers in my ear. "Let's take this to the bed, eh?" I nod in response as I make my way over to his bed, hearing his footsteps follow behind me as I do. I turn around to see him lifting his shirt over his head. Holllllyyyy fuck. I mean, I've seen him before but... damn.

"You like the view?" He smirks at me as I finally meet his eyes. I turn around to look out the large windows that are in his room as well.

"Oh, yeah this view? It's pretty great you can see the whole city and-." I feel him put his hands on the sides of my waist again, as he runs his hands up and down my sides. "Wanna take this off?"
sorry i stopped right when it was gonna happen ahhhhhh

there's smut next week and i forgot to tell y'all about this one and i didn't want there to be too much at once

let me know in the comments what kind of chapters y'all want after this series, and if you even still want this series...

alrighty, byeeee

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