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this chapter is going to be touching on alcohol, rehab, and things of that sort. if you're uncomfortable with any of that, feel free to skip.

nonetheless, i hope you enjoy :)
I was sitting on the sofa in mine and Shawn's living room. I had been waiting for about an hour for him to come home. He had texted me earlier.
Shawn: Hey, Love. I'm not gonna be home for another hour. We're getting somewhere with the songs xx
Back to current time
Something was up. I had texted Andrew right after the text from Shawn, and he said they had wrapped up 2 hours before I got that text.

Shawn had been acting weird lately.. every time I tried cuddling with him or started kissing him on his neck, he'd push me away. Deep down I knew what was wrong. I just didn't want to admit it to myself.

I heard keys jangling through the front door, and I jumped up from the couch, smoothening my clothing and ruffling my hair.

The door swings open.

"Hey baby." I say softly, smiling. Shawn looks up and gives me a half smile that doesn't reach his eyes. His eyes are red, and I notice him stumbling a bit as he enters the house.

"Hey."  He takes off his jacket and throws it over our main sofa, before taking off his shoes and kicking them off by the door.

He plops down on the sofa before I start speaking.

"Hey, so I wanted to talk to you about something." He looks up at me with a worried expression.

"Oh. I wanted to talk to you about something too."

"Okay, well do you want to go first?" I look down at my fingers that I'm playing with nervously as I speak. I've never been the type to take initiative and I don't plan on starting now. I look back up at Shawn to see him looking at me with no clear expression on his face. We've been together 7 months and just as I was starting to feel like we knew each other better than anyone else, something had to happen.

"No. You talk." He mutters. He knows I hate talking first so I mentally slap myself. "Alright.. Well, I guess I'll just get this over with." I chew on the inside of my cheek waiting for him to stop me before I jump to conclusions, waiting for him to say something, anything. But instead I'm met with silence and a million possibilities.

"Have you been seeing someone else?" The words come out jumbled, and too fast. Shawn's eyes widen and I don't know if that's a good or bad thing.

"What? That's what you think this is?" I expected him to be mad if I was wrong, but instead he seems hurt, I can see it in his eyes as they begin to water, and his bottom lip pouts.

"Well, what was I supposed to think?" I sit down on the couch with a sigh as I face him. "You stay out late, when I try to kiss you, you pull away, even if I try to hug you, you don't want it!" I realize I'm crying once I feel the hot tears stinging my already burning skin.

Shawn holds his head in his hands and his curls follow his movements. I can't help but place my hand on his back, rubbing in circles in an attempt to soothe him. I don't know if he cheated on me, but what I do know is that this man, the one on the verge of tears sitting next to me, is the only man I love, and the last one I hope. He sighs, and I scoot closer to him as I wait to find out if this may be the end of us. If he were to cheat on me, I don't know what I would do. I would want to work through it, but what if he realized he loves the other woman?

"Okay." Okay? What does that mean? He sits up and rubs his eyes, and I can't help but notice how red and puffy they've become. "I started.." He sniffles before he can continue, and I feel my heart shatter at just this sight alone. "-I started drinking again."

It takes me a second to process this. Shawn. Drinking. Started. Again. The words keep playing in the back of my mind as I try to find meaning for them. Shawn had to go to rehab in the first 2 months of us being together, and that was hard enough. Now, he's started again? I can't seem to speak, and I watch as his eyes begin to be filled with worry. "At first, it was just one drink-." "You shouldn't have been drinking at all, Shawn." I mumble, "You know how bad this got last time, I don't want to- I can't see you like that again." I cry out to him, whispering in an attempt to stop the tears. It doesn't work.

"I know and-." His voice comes out shaky, and he takes a breath before continuing, "-I love you so much, you know that right? I love you with everything I have and I didn't want to disappoint you but it's so hard! It's so fucking hard! There's people drinking all around me all the time, do you know how hard that is?" He starts crying harder now, and I pull him closer to me as he buries his head in my neck. He's so vulnerable right now, and all I want to do is create a bubble around us so nothing, and no one can ever hurt him. When he hurts, I hurt.

"It's okay. I'm here, you're okay." I coo to him, running my fingers through his hair. "We're gonna get through this, Shawn. We are."
are any of u going to the LA dates? today and tomorrow ?

i'm going tomorrow :p

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