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"You ready, Y/n?"

I nod nervously as he puts out his hand for me to hold. Shawn and I have been best friends for years, and the public is very much aware of the fact that something is "secretly" going on between us. What they don't know is that I... coincidentally broke up with my boyfriend a few weeks before we started to film this video.

"Alright you two, get in your positions, Shawn put your hands here." A woman quickly walks over to us, and spins me around so my back is pressed up against Shawn. She takes his hand and places it on my outer thigh. His touch sends chills throughout my body. 

"When we start playing the music, both of you lip sync your parts, or whisper them if that helps. Then, Shawn-," She nods her head in his direction, "-you're going to drag your hand up the side of Y/n, got that?" I can feel Shawn's heartbeat begin to quicken and I can't help but smile to myself. "Yeah, got it. Thanks."

"Okay, que the music in 5...4...3...Y/n don't be shy! Press yourself against Shawn! 2...1... Action!"

"But every touch is ooh la la la.." I feel Shawn's hand drag up my body, and my breathing quickens once his hands brush against my breasts.

"It's true la la la..." I raise my arms up as I lower my body to the rhythm of the music, and Shawn's hands wrap around mine, so I bring them back down with his as he gently grabs my jaw, and turns my head so our eyes meet. 

"And cut! Great work!" Everyone starts applauding but Shawn and I stay frozen in our gaze on each-other. 

"Okay, now I want you both to stand a bit farther from each-other, but make sure you're facing one another so the jump is easier."

"The jump?" Shawn and I both ask in unison, and the director laughs softly. "Y/n I need you to do a running jump, and Shawn will catch you, and I guess you two can wing it from there."

"What do you mean wing it?" I ask quietly.

"You know, a little improv." 

"Oh." Shawn gulps nervously as we both get into position. 

"Okay so right before this we can put in a clip of one of you, Y/n it should probably be you since Shawn already got his solo clip in the beginning. I nod as I wait for the music to start. 

"Alright, act like you're in love." I don't need to act. Wait, what?

"5...4...3....2...1... Action!" 

"Ooh I should be running..." Shawn runs his hand through his hair and I get butterflies just watching him. I jump into Shawn's arms at the right moment and feel his strong hold on my thighs.

"Ooh you keep me coming for ya'..." Shawn presses me harshly against a wall at the perfect moment, nice. I need to do what feels right if I want the directors to like this... 

"All along I've been coming for ya'..." My breathing instantly quickens as I realize how close our faces actually are. I run my hand through his curls as our noses barely brush against each-other. The way he's looking at me... 

"And I hope it meant something to ya'..." You can't fake that, right? I wrap my arms around his neck and trace a finger along his jaw. Our eyes meet and his usually light colored orbs transform into what can only be described as lust. I'm sure my eyes are doing the same thing. Oh my god is that his d-.

"Alright! Amazing performance! Wow!" The whole crew begins clapping again but Shawn doesn't put me down.

I can feel the tension between us and bite my bottom lips as his eyes flicker from my eyes to my lips. "Shawn, we need to get you changed for the next shot, you too Y/n so head over to your dressing rooms." Shawn and I snap out of it and smile awkwardly to each-other as I look down to our position where he's still pressed against me. "Oh, sorry." He giggles softly as he sets me down. "It's fine." I smile up to him as he sets me down, and his height towers over me once again. 

I begin to walk away, but I feel him grab my hand. "Wait, Y/n!" I turn around so I'm facing him. "Yeah?" 

"We have like 20 minutes before the next shot.." I smile as I wait to see where he's going with this. "Okay?" He clears his throat, "Well, I guess I was just thinking we have time to.. um.." He looks around at all of the crew who can easily hear us speaking. "-hang out in my dressing room." My eyes go wide as he says this, and it takes everything in me to keep myself from jumping on top of him in front of the entire crew. Well, I guess the crew has already seen us do that as of 2 minutes ago.

"Alright, let's go."


ya'll i was shook from that video

1:14 like oo dam boy you can't fake a look like that

alright lmao well my bday is coming up on the 28th so that's fun

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