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"Y/n... come on! I don't get why this has to be such a big deal."

"You don't get why it has to be such a big deal?? Are you fucking kidding me, Shawn?"

Shawn was about to go on his fourth world tour, and wanted to take a break to "spare my heart." What the fuck does that even mean? The only thing I was hearing was a breakup. We've gone with each other on tours before, his and mine, and we've spent time apart, but we never went on "a break."

"No, Shawn. I'm not gonna sit here and let you walk away from this. From us! Don't you get it? If we spend time on a break one of us is going to find someone else and use this "break" as a justification to cheating!"

I was pacing back and forth in our living room area, biting my nails. A bad habit that I was trying to break, but obviously that wasn't working. My eyes were starting to burn as I looked up from the ground and saw Shawn just sitting on the couch with his arms crossed, staring at the floor with his jaw clenched. Like this was the most normal decision ever. He kept opening his mouth, like he was talking..?

"Y/n! Hey!"

He snapped me out of my daze as he reached out, pulling me by the waist, and tried to get me to sit down, and I replied by shoving his hands off of me.

"Don't touch me, Shawn!" My voice cracked as I yelled this, and I couldn't hold back the tears anymore. They took over me. The way I was breathing, the way I was seeing. I had no control over anything.

"Hey, shh. It's okay, I'm right here. I'm here." Shawn cooed as he was suddenly up and pulling me into his chest. I tried to resist, but gave up as soon as I felt the warmth of him against me. His hands running circles in my back, something only he knew calmed me down almost instantly everytime I had an anxiety attack, or just simply started crying.

"Shawn.. you can't do this to us." I croaked out, trying to keep my voice steady and clear to make sure he heard me. To make sure my voice wasn't getting lost. "Can't you see what this is doing already? You can't, you just can't-."

"Hey, I know. I'm sorry I even mentioned the idea. I'm here now. We're here together. That's all that matters. Right?"


i'm listening to Tyler the Creator as i'm writing and now i have all these ideas for chapters.. so thank you, tyler!

as always, thanks for reading! make sure you vote, share, follow me for more every friday, and comment chapter ideas for future chapters. Alright, well,


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