"Something bad that will affect us all. And I believe that it would have something to do with why he wanted some of my power implemented into the ship."

We watched the positioning system as the ship came closer to the gate on Daibazaal.

"T-minus ten ticks to gate entry." Coran counted down.

"Nine... Eight..."

The gate began to glow, as my headache worsened.

"Seven.... Six..."

The ship began to glow with my power over the moon.

"Five... Four... Three.. Two... One."

The ship went straight through the portal and disappeared in a flash of white.

My head felt like it was going to burst open, I stumbled down to my knees and collapsed next to Luna, the thud of my fall alerting everyone.

"Zurine!" They cried rushing to my side.

"Are you okay? Hunk asked, I groaned and held my head to relieve the pain. I concentrated on my hand, forcing my moon powers to heal whatever was causing the pain.

After a couple of minutes, the pain had become bearable.

"I'm okay now." I said, forcing myself back up to my feet and sitting on Luna's back.

"Are you sure? You look a little pale." Coran said worryingly.

I simply smiled, "I'm fine, Coran. Just a headache."

All of a sudden, the red lights flashed through the bridge, warning us of something heading our way.

Pidge and coran rushed to the scanners and spotted something coming towards us.

"I'm detecting an incoming craft." Coran informed us.

"Shields up. And pull it up on-screen." Shiro ordered.

Coran did as he was told, but when the picture became clear, Coran and I were surprised to see that it was an Altean craft.

"That... That can't be." Coran gasped.

"It's am Altean pod! A really old model!" I continued for him, "But it's in perfect condition."

"What's it doin' out here?" Lance wondered aloud.

"Let's find out." Shiro said, opening a link to the Altean pod, "Attention, Altean pod, identify yourself."

The screen flipped amd revealed a very familiar face.

"Shiro, it's Keith." Keith said. I smiled brightly at the sight of our teammate. It felt so good to see him again.

"Keith!" Shiro stammered, "Are you okay?"

"Where have you been?" Pidge asked.

"And how did you get your hands on that pod?" Coran asked.

"Does he look bigger to you guys?" Lance asked, "He's bigger, right?"

As I looked closer at Keith, I found that Lance was right.

Keith's hair was a little longer and he had grown a few inches since we last saw him.

"Where's Lotor?" Keith asked making it sound urgent.

"He's in the quintessence field." Hunk answered.

"Oh, no." Keith mumbled. I winced as the headache came rushing back. I held my head again, but even with my powers to heal, it didn't go away.

The pain kept pounding against my skull like a hammer on a nail. Even so, with me on Luna, we rushed to the bay to meet Keith as he landed.

The White Lion PrincessOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant