If I could tell him-

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It was nine am, a totally unreasonable time for any person to be up in the morning on a Saturday. But no, at this time Chloe was currently lounging outside her locker at the gym, waiting for her gym partner to show up.

She and Jake had been working out together ever since they started dating during freshman year and kept up their routine long after breaking up.

"Good Morning Jak-woah you look like a mess" Chloe greeted her taller friend, not looking up from her hand mirror as she applied her bright lipstick. Yes, she wore makeup to the gym, what of it?

Jake gave her a confused look, and a small smile "I don't know what you could possibly be talking about-"

"Your bags are bigger than my future and the concealer you used to cover them up is two shades too light, your hair desperately wants to be brushed and you wore the same shirt yesterday." Chloe pointed out, snapping shut her mirror

The darker skinned male stared at her in awe, the girl simply smirked and began to put away her makeup. "So now that I caught you in your big fat lie why don't you tell me what's been going on recently?"

Jake groaned and mumbled something. The prep girl rolled her eyes "And if you answer with 'it's nothing' I swear I'm going to kick your ass into next year."

The boy snorted, a smirk appearing on her face as she slammed her locker shut and they began towards the machinery. They almost always started with the same routine, weights, then cardio, then one on one punching each other.

"I think-I'm pretty sure I have a crush on someone" Jake started, adjusting the amount of weights he was going to lift

"Please tell me you've known them for more than a week, if not, then Jakey you're more hopeless than Jeremy. And that's saying a lot cause he was pining for like three years." Chloe responded, already beginning her workout by pulling on weighed ropes.

The two had shared many deep conversations at the gym, most of them about topics that shouldn't be said out loud at the gym with twenty other people hearing you. The other patrons had learned to ignore the two teens talk, and if anyone tuned in to their conversation they would probably run away screaming.

The taller male chuckled at her response "Actually I've known him for a while, like four years now."

Chloe raised her perfectly prim eyebrows, humming mischievously "Oh? This might not happen to be a blond, four foot, rooster? Who's name starts with Ri-and ends with -chard"

Jake looked at her deadpan "No it's Dustin Kropp again-"

"Actually?" Chloe giggled, before Jake tossed her a dirty look and he sighed.

"N-no! Yes it's him" 

"I mean I sorta saw it coming" Chloe admitted, breathing in deeply and clenching her jaw

"Excuse me?"

"Jake you and him have been through so much, you literally threw yourself from a second story window for-" she took a deep breath and pulled herself up "Him. It's all for him. I'd say just fucking go up and ask him to go out"

"I-I told you I'm not even sure if I like him!" Jake exclaimed, his cheeks turning deep red either from the effort of doing his weights or from blushing

Chloe decided not to pry anymore on the topic with the weights. Instead they continued on with their conversation in their combat training. Chloe was currently holding Jake's leg in the air as she attempted to punch his face.

"Jakey-honey-you're a whore and I mean that in every nice way possible. You fucked at least every girl at school and half the dudes. I don't get what's so different about them and Rich." Chloe stated, letting go of his leg and socking him in the face which knocked him to the floor.

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