How to get a girlfriend/boyfriend: Four easy steps!

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You gotta buy him a rose!

Micheal walked into school, another terrible Monday of boring lectures, slurs and trying to pass the day without a panic attack. He sighed as he walked up to his locker, Jeremy hadn't told him hi.

'Probably with Christine' he grumbled

Micheal opened his locker only to be showered knee deep in rose petals. He stared down at the floor in confusion.

"What the-" He gaped searching his locker

His Bob Marley and Pac-Man posters had been covered in ghost sticky notes. He took them off one by one.

"I hope you like the flowers Mahal!"

Micheal stared at them. Reading them over and over and over again.

"Oh ha! Ha! Very funny!" He said sourly

His eyes were filled with blind anger and hot tears. He grabbed armfuls of roses and threw them into the trash.

Compliment him on his clothes!

"Jeremy!" Micheal shouted at lunch running towards the table

Jeremy looked up from his lunch and his face broke into a smile.

"Mic-HEAL!" He shouted waving back

Micheal plopped his back back next to Jeremy's, the RIENDS on it almost faded. He took out his slushee

"Man you won't believe what happened today! Someone left like a shit ton of rose petals in my locker!"

Jeremy's face was a mix between panic and trying to smile. Never a good combo. Micheal shrugged and didn't question it. Jeremy would probably tell him after school anyways.

"Uh-um-I think you look great today!" Jeremy blurted suddenly

Micheal froze in mid head turn. He stared at Jeremy with shock.


"Did you wash your sweater? Shine your glasses? I dunno man but something looks good!"

"Dude thats pretty gay even by my standards-Um...thanks?"

Suddenly Jeremy bolted out of the chair and ran straight to the doors. Yelling something about leaving the stove on. Micheal cocked his head and slurped his slushee. What was going on?

Say you appreciate that he's smart!

Micheal sighed and walked into study hall. A.K.A the one only class he had with Jeremy.

"Hey Jer!" He singsonged "I brought my nintendooo-"

Suddenly he froze. Jeremy was seated at a table along with Jenna and Christine, who seemed to be crying. Micheal set his bag on the table and sat down.

"What's wrong?" He whispered to Jenna

"Stress, she failed this assignment twice, but we can't figure out the problem" she filled him in

Micheal went over to Christine who was crying into Jenna's shoulder.

"Move over Jeremy-let me see" he said

"Mi-Micheal" Jeremy squeaked as he leaned over.

"I-I-I-I DON'T KNOW WHAT I DID WRONG!!" Christine sobbed

Micheal looked down at the problem. Grabbing a pencil from the desk everyone stared in awe as he solved it in an hour.

"W-woah!" Jenna exclaimed

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