You're the guy I am so kinda into-

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@_mimi26_ ask and you shall receive! 

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@_mimi26_ ask and you shall receive! 


He called him a loser. Twelve years of best friendship down the drain, and all for what? Popularity? Being an asshole to the person who was always there? To the person who was his second half, his best friend, his player one.

Michale had said it himself, Jeremy had broken him. He'd broken his heart and left him to burn.

And Yet.

He still loved him.

Jeremy's ward still rang with the words of that conversation, his mind seemingly not being able to comprehend their meaning. Michael loved him. Michael loves him.

It didn't take much strength to fake sleep for another day or so. He just maintained his eyes closed and was lost in thought. The sound of a door opening bright him to reality. He could hear Rich greet the visitor and then heard the footsteps come to his bedside. There was a sigh and the sound of a chair being pulled towards the bed.

"H-hey Jere" a familiar voice greeted Jeremy "I'm back, sorry for leaving so soon yesterday-Rich had a uh-guests."

Jeremy bit back a smirk as Michael chuckled, he'd heard the whole Richjake ordeal. The filipino continued

"School isn't the same without you, you know? It's an effed up world out there" he could practically see the smile on his best friends face "But what should expect when it's a one player game?"

This sent a jolt through Jeremy so shocking he could've sworn his SQUIP had come back. Well it was better now than never to wake up. Jeremy groaned and rolled around in his bed, making Michael immediately stop talking about the new smash bros.

"Oh my God-Rich he's rolled over-Rich I think he might be waking up!" Michael shouted, a smile on his face as he got to his knees

Jeremy groaned as he slowly flickered open his eyelids, expecting the bright lights of the hospital t blind him. Instead his heartbeat stopped and his breath quickened, Michael's smile was the first thing he saw when he woke up.

"Michael?" Jeremy croaked groggily

Michael's face was adorned by a look of pure bliss "Jeremy! You're actually awake!!" He shouted practically touching the ceiling

Jeremy let out a strained laugh as he tried to sit up, a splitting headache went through his skull. He looked slowly around the room, finding it filled with machines and that only a thin curtain separated his bed from Rich's, before returning his attention to Michael. The boy with the red hoodie sported a goofy smile, a smile Jeremy had forgotten how adorable it was.

"I'mma go get the doctors-and your Dad-I cannot believe you're actually back!!" Michale shouted running out of the ward hollering for Mr. Heere to hurry up.

Jeremy snickered and turned to Rich, who smirked awkwardly at him.

"Soo-you and Jake, huh?" Jeremy asked with a chuckle

Rich's eyebrows wanted to fly off his face with surprise. His face had a confused smile "You heard-all that-?" He said carefully before shrugging "So yeah I'm like totally bi now"

Jeremy snorted and rolled his eyes "That makes two of us-"

"Oh my God! No way-!"

————————————————-*Time Skip because needles are scary and hospitals smell weird*—————————————————————-

The doctors and Mr. Heere has rushed to the ward and immediately surrounded Jeremy. Running tests upon tests and asking him questions ranging from his shoe size to what actually happened that night at the play. Obviously Michael had lied about the play incident, blaming everyone passing out on a gas leak, so Jermey continued that story.

After around an hour and a half Jeremy was taken out of bed and was sitting in his very own wheelchair, deep in through as his father and best friend discussed with doctors as to when he was going to get out.

Jeremy was currently having some-interesting-thoughts involving Michael. Thoughts he'd usually have involving Christine suddenly didn't feel right anymore. Sadly he was snapped back from his transition by his friends' confused chuckle

"Jermey you look so out of it, you alright?" Michael asked taking a seat next to Jeremy.

The acne covered teen giggled "You know, I'd forgotten how much I loved your smile"

Michael's face turned bright red and he froze in place, his eyes wide "Wha-what?"

"So like-now that my SQUIP is finally gone-something-something became clear" Jeremy continued, begging to blush as well

"That you don't need to be cool to impress Christine?"

Jermey laughed "No dude! That Christine-Christine just isn't the right girl for me" he stared off at the wall with a smile "There's this guy I am so kinda into it hurts"

Michael's face dropped with disappointment. There was no way that Jeremy would choose him. What did he have against all the other, handsomer, stronger boys at school anyways? But still he asked "R-really? Who?"

Jeremy bit his lip "W-Well he's always got a smile, he's always been there to cheer me up. He's always been there-I-I never knew...but I really love him" he said looking up at Michael's blushing face

"I love his hair, and the mole above his mouth, and his glasses, and his weed socks, and how he doesn't care what other people think. I love how excited he gets when talking about video games, I love how adorable he is dancing, I love his voice, I just-I love him."

Jeremy expected this to be romantic, it was in a sense, till Michael started crying sad tears. His eyes widened and he patted his friends back as he was stuck laughing and crying at the same time. When Michael looked up he'd taken off his glasses and Jeremy got a good look at his deep brown eyes. They were filled with sadness.

"Why now?! Am I just a replacement?!" Michael asked "You-you left me, you replaced me, you watched as I slowly broke. You made me break. And I fucking hate you for that."

He buried his face into his hands "If my heart wasn't dying of joy I'd be bitch slapping you right now"

Jeremy sighed and dug his fingernails in his hands, tears threatening to spill from his eyes as well. The SQUIP, no, he had done some terrible things. He'd said words he could never take back and made wounds that might never heal. Without a little help that is.

"Michael" Jeremy said firmly taking the other boy's face into his hand to face him

"I-I was a douche. An ass, a dick, I was a total unlovable, desperate, jerk." He winced and gritted his teeth "I-I hurt so-so many people. No amount of sorry's could ever make up for what I did."

"You're not a replacement, because you're not replacing anyone. Michael I love you, it just took me nearly killing the entire school to realize it."

Now it was Michael's turn to crack a smile, seeing his best friend's smile was something Jeremy wouldn't have given up for the world.

"So-can I have a second chance?" Jermey pleaded

"Will you be the player one to my player two?"

Michael's lips were on his before he knew it. Jeremy was shocked at first but slowly melted into the kiss, pulling Michael's face closer. It might've been a solid thirty seconds before they pulled apart, both blushing messes.

"Yes" Michael answered.


A continuation of the first one shot! This time ft. Boyf-Riends! Keep it Classy!~🌼Goldi🌼 

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