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"Are you sure you want to do this?" Michael asked his best friend who was staring intensely at the grey oblong pill he held in his hand 

Jeremy nodded firmly, and Michael handed him the bottle of Mountain Dew. 

"I hope you're worth four hundred dollars" Jeremy said opening the bottle 

"Four hundred and one" his friend corrected "Don't forget the Mountain Dew" 

A few seconds passed, Jeremy stared at the pill, his head swirling with posibilites. 

"If this is real my whole life will change" he whispered 

"Uh-are you gonna take it? We don't have all day" Michael reminded him checking his phone 

"Right." Jeremy said shakily taking the pill "Wait! Shouldn't we like-split it? I mean you helped me get it so it could like benefit both of us!" 

Michael chuckled "I don't think that's how it works. Plus I like knowing that when you're cool you'll owe me" 

Jeremy rolled his eyes and put the pill under his tongue, it tasted like peppermint. "Here goes...everything I guess" he declared taking a gulp of the Mountain Dew. 

Michael leaned over in his chair expectantly but Jeremy just sat there confusedly. 

"How do  you feel?" Michael inquired 

"Like-" Jeremy started before sighing and slumping his head on the table "I just blew my bar mitzfa money on a Winter Green Tic-Tac" 

Michael's shoulders slumped "Yeah...not cool" 

"Please leave me to mourn with my chili fires in peace" 

Michael got up from his spot and after grabbing a handful of fries was about to leave, he had to pick up Crystal Pepsi at Spencer's Gifts anyways. When suddenly he noticed a very familiar pair walking close by, they mostly stood out because of their immense height difference but the fact that he'd been trained by Jeremy to recognize that face from at least ten miles away he knew he wasn't wrong. 

Rattling Jeremy's shoulders he exclaimed "Hey Jer! Jeremy! Come on get up!" 

Jeremy groaned and looked up at Michael. His face had an annoyed expression like a puppy woken up from a nap, his cheeks covered in chili and cheese sauce. Michael would've snapped a picture and make it his new wallpaper if this didn't qualify as an emergency. 

"Dude-what the hell?" Jeremy groaned 

"Leave" he ordered putting his head in his fries again 

Michael sighed and rolled his eyes, pulling Jeremy's hair till his face was out of the fries. He pointed in the direction of the pair "Christine. Coniglia. All alone. At the mall." 

Jeremy shot up like a missile, he looked over at Michael "How do I look?!" he shrieked 

'Cute. Adorable. Like I want to hug you and never let go' "You have chili all over your face" Michael deadpanned handing him a napkin 

Jeremy messily rubbed the napkin all over his face and bolted towards Christine. Michael rolled his eyes and jogged after him, this he had to see. He and Jeremy hastily did their handshake and Michael sat on a bench where he knew he'd be able to listen to the conversation, giving Jeremy a thumbs up for moral support. 

"Yeahh... We're not meeting the rest of the cast. I figured we could get to know each other. Alone. That's why I'm taking you to one of my favorite spots in the universe. Sbarro—" Jake explained 

"CHRISTINE!" Jeremy shrieked nearly tripping over his feet 

"Jeremy?!" Christine asked turning around, her face lined with confusion "Sorry! I din't see you there" 

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