Oh my Lanta-!

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"Raise a hand if Algebra two will be the death of you!" Exclaimed Zoe Murphy,

It was one week before finals and she, Evan, Connor, and Jared had been invited over to Alana's house for a group study session. Connor looked up from his book with a smug look on his face

"HA! Suck my metaphorical dick junior! Who's already dead from SAT prep and Calculus?!" Connor shouted

An array of groans and 'sames' came from the other two seniors laying on the floor, Evan and Alana. Zoe rolled her eyes and flicked her brother's forehead with her to fingers. There was a squeak as the door opened and revealed Jared standing there, holding a plate of snickerdoodle cookies and an array of mini chocolates.

"Break time motherfuckers! Come get some Kosher cookies courtesy of my Mother" Jared exclaimed

The others nodded and giggled as Jared passed the plate around, Zoe grabbing a handful of chocolates

"And don't worry about her cooking, I taste tested them and oh my Lanta! They are delish" Jared said, taking a seat next to his unopened textbook and the tower of pencils he had stacked together with pieces of gum 

Connor snickered as the plate was passed to him "Hanging out with Christine recently lover boy?" he asked, grabbing a fistfull of cookie and thousands of crumbs falling onto the plate and the bed 

Jared felt a slight blush creep onto his cheeks but never the less he proudly adjusted his glasses. "Yeah! Actually we have a homemade movie night in a few hours at my place, why Murphy? Jealous your boyfriend doesn't?"

Connor laughed dryly, "Nah we fuc-"

"CONNOR" Evan interrupted, his entire face red as he handed the plate over to Alana. 

Connor snorted and rolled his eyes, brushing his hair out of his face and putting it into a mini bun. "I was just pointing out that I've never heard anyone exclaim oh my lanta in full seriousness"

Jared gave him a deadpan look "Jeeper Creepers Connor, so what? And it's not like I say it all the fucking time, unlike Evan and his tree swearing" 

"Hey I've gotten better at actually swearing-!" Evan interrupted 

"You cursed out Fir Tree like if it was the biggest insult you could come up with" Jared pointed out, flicking his tower of pencils which to his pleasant surprise didn't come crashing down

Zoe shot Jared a glare before she sighed "What Connor is TRYING to say is that I think this Christine girl is taking more of a toll on you than you wanna admit"

Jared scoffed. "Zoe are you even listening to yourself? Me? Sounding like Chrissy?" He flipped his hair

"That's just ridiculous!"


"It's movie time!!" The dark brown girl exclaimed, raising the TV remote in a Hamilton style pose as she walked into the Kleinman's living room

Jared snorted and rolled his eyes as his girlfriend waltzed in and plopped herself onto the mess of pillows and blankets on his couch. She snuggled up against him as he set down a plastic bowl filled with white cheddar popcorn. An array of other bowls containing chocolates, gummy frogs and banana carrot surprise were set in front of the sofa.

The lights were already switched off and the DVD had been put into the DVD player. Jared grabbed the controller and turned to Christine with a sparkle in his eyes

"Are you ready for the most EPIC Steven King movie marathon EVER?!" He exclaimed

"Good Golly Gosh am I EVER!" She cheered, laughing as she fist pumped into the air.

The first movie they had decided to watch was the original It made for TV series. They had coordinated each of the snack bowls to last exactly one movie so they would never run out in their five movie marathon.

"Holy Chalupas I did not see that coming!" Jared screeched as the shower door was open to reveal one of the loser squad members had committed suicide

"He was prolly possessed by Pennywise to do it" Christine said through a mouthful of banana-carrot surprise.

"Ruh-Roh! Pennywise can freaking posses people?! No cool"

Chrisitne snorted "Realxxx, he's probably gonna come back. I need him and that blonde background guy to get married"

"Pfft as if, they're probably going to leave him dead Chrissy" Jared smirked, taking a fistful of surprise and stuffing it into his mouth

Christine fake gasped and blew a raspberry at him "Are not-not-not!"

Jared snorted and pushed his glasses up "Are to-to-to!"



"You sound like a train!" Christine laughed

Jared laughed along with her, before they both shrieked at the same time, hugging each other tightly as the clown came onscreen to rip someone's head off.


A long overdue oneshot requested by @RootinTootinACPutin ! Keep it Classy!~🌼Goldi🌼

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