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Parties were a way for Rich to escape the real world and just relax and have fun, not have to worry about not being the perfect son or his Father coming home late. Parties were an escape from reality from Jake. It was a time where he could forget about his wobbling economy, the overlooking threat of his parents being hunted by the FBI and being 'the almighty' Jake Dillinger.

Parties where a time where they could both be free from their problems and just be with each other.

A fourteen year old Rich laughed as he bounced over to the punch bowl, laughing alongside his best friend. His best friend was a tall dark skinned boy by the name of Jake Dillinger. He and Rich had been friends since kindergarten.

"Dude-DUDE did you see his face?!" His best friend laughed, pouring himself a plastic cup of bright punch "I can'y believe we actually fucking pantsed the principal-like WE ACTUALLY DID IT WOOH!!"

Rich snorted into his cup, making some juice spill "His face was PRICELESS! I think he might've peed himself"

It was the Winter Hollidays 'Prom' for the eighth grade. Rich and Jake had decided to go with Chloe and Brooke to the Winter Dance. The shitty pop songs blasting from the loudspeaker turned into slow jazz music. Rich and Jake stared as the disco lights dimmed in the school auditorium.

"Alright Middle Borough! Grab a partner and head on over to the dance dance floor! It's slow dance hour" the DJ announced into the microphone

Couples cheered and nervously dragged their significant others awkwardly into the dance floor. Jake stared as girls grabbed boys hands and took them to dance. Some shyer girls who didn't have a date went on to the dance floor as a group, dancing in a huge pair. Boys without dates stood awkwardly at the edges.

"Who's the twerp and the Filipino?" Rich asked, making Jake turn back into reality

A lanky boy wearing a blue dress shirt and a much shorter darker boy in a red dress shirt and glasses were laughing hysterically as they went onto the dance floor. Jake shrugged

"Jeremy and-I don't know the other one-probably new. Dork"

The two awkwardly stood together. Both watching as Brooke and Chloe, their supposed dates, were slow dancing in each other's arms. Rich sniffed and looked up at Jake, the dark boy was staring longingly at the dance floor.

"Um-stho like-you wanna dance?" Rich stuttered out

Jake looked down at Rich with a slightly confused look and Rich panicked

"I mean justh asth like friendths! You know justh two brosth danthcing-you-you don't have to-"



"Rich calm down! God!" Jake laughed, the sound made the shorter boy's heart flutter

"Yeah dude I'd love to dance! Come on!"

With that Jake grabbed Rich's hand, the boy froze as the other yanked him towards the dance floor. Jake laughed and twirled Rich around, never letting go of his hands. The dance was unplanned and unpredictable. It ranged from twirls, to trips, to hand flailing and neither of their smiles left their faces.

"OOooh I LOVE this song!" Jake squealed as a particularly slow song came up, Rich cocked his eyebrow

"Seriously? This isn't even a real waltz it's just another version of 'Rocking Around-"

The shorter boy immediately shut up when he felt Jake's warm hands wrap around him, pulling them closer. Jake sighed and hugged Rich as they swayed in place, Rich's eyes were wide with shock as he gripped his best friend's dress shirt. He felt his heartrate quicken and his breath hitched as Jake laughed. That sound was the most unforgettable sound in Rich's life. He wanted it. He wanted to keep it, to preserve it and make sure it was safe and happy.

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