Sick Boyfs

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Michael sighed as he opened his phone, flopping over his usual red beanbag. It had been a pretty okay day at school, except that his player two hadn't shown up. And like any good player one he had spent the entire day trying to think of reasons why Jeremy wouldn't show up to school. His thoughts racing from the SQUIP coming back to being abducted by aliens, to accidentally  forgetting to tell him that he was a secret agent on the run from a gang of spies. After all anything was posible. 

He groaned scrolling through his notifications and chat rooms, finding nothing new. Grumbling he turned to his missed texts for entertainment. Most of it was memes  from his group chats and Christine and Chloe getting into a full blown fight over text, in a group chat. Again. 

His eyes lit up when he saw a text from Jeremy. Immediately he sat up and read it to himself

Jeremyisn'tHeere is offline

Jeremyisn'tHeere: Hey player two 

Jeremyisn'tHeere: Sorry for not calling earlier 

Jeremyisn'tHeere: But I've got a cold 

Jeremyisn'tHeere: Everything hurts. 

Michael smiled and shook his head. He should've guessed Jeremy was going to get sick, it always happened whenever they were hit with a cold front. He quickly tyoed back 

Updog is online

Updog: Hey Jere-Bear

Updog: Sorry you're not feeling well 

Updog: But never fear!! 

Updog: Michael is heere with the Mell home remedy! 

Updog: Proven by my Mother to be the cure for anything. 

Updog is offline

Michael quickly darted around the basement, stuffing the 'Home remedy' into his backpack. This remedy consisted of a nintendo console, AOD one and two, crappy rom-coms which weren't on Netflix, and a first aid kit. He ran out of the basement and into the kitchen, immediately opening the fridge and throwing things till he found what he needed. 

"Michael?! Bakit ka na gumawa ng labis na ingay?!!" he heard his sister holler from upstairs 

He rolled his eyes and grabbed his car keys from the kitchen counter, quickly darting to the front door "Ang sakit ni Jeremy! Pupunta ako sa pag-aalaga sa kanya, marahil ay babalik sa bukas!!" 

Michael smirked as two shouts of excitement were heard from inside the house. He knew for a fact his sisters OTP was Meremy and they would go down with that ship. Hitting the gas pedal he pulled up to Jeremy's driveway, noticing the absence of Mr. Heere's car and the fact that no one had shoveled the driveway. 

He groaned, making a mental note to shovel it himself later, as he opened the front door and stepped into the house. (Quick A//N: Jeremy keeps a set of spare keys under the floorboards under the welcome mat.

"Honey I'm home!!!!" Michael sang out as he waltzed into the empty house 

There was a cough followed by coarse laughter "Michael! I-" Jeremy semi-shouted from upstairs 

Michael rolled his eyes when he heard Jeremy break out in a coughing fit. As much as he loved his boyfriend they both had their dumb moments. Grabbing his backpack he ran up the stairs and headedtowards Jeremy's room. Where, sure enough, the teenager was tangled in a mess of blankets and coughing crazily. 

Michael chuckled throwing his backpack onto the floor "Never fear, player one is here" he declared taking out a thermometer from the bag 

Jeremy smiled weakly "Everything hurts-" he groaned

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