First days

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The sun was already high in the sky when Jeremy was downstairs cooking his family's breakfast. It was the start of a new school year for the family and to kick start the year the couple had woken up thirty minutes too late, gotten ready in a flash, realized they'd set up their alarms two hours too early and were now rushing to get their kids out of bed. 

"Morning Mahal Ko" Michael said walking into the kitchen and kissing his husband's head

Jeremy hummed and smiled "Morning Michael!" he sing-songed flipping a pancake 

"Usually I'm the one all excited! What's up?" Michael inquired grabbing a mup and filling it with coffee. 

The mug had three handprints on it, one was blue, the other was red and the smallest one was purple. It had been a Father's day gift from their daughter and Michael adored the mug with all his heart. Jeremy smiled and set a stack of pancakes on the table 

"Oh nothing! Just that I dunno-Chrissy's starting middle school and Connie's starting first grade perhaps?" he said sarcastically 

Michael laughed "They grow up so fast don't they?" 

Jeremy laughed when suddenly the familiar sound of their children coming down the stairs  filled the house. 

"Magandang umaga Papa!! Magandang umaga Daddy!!" sang out a voice as Michael and Jeremy's youngest and only son skipped into the kitchen. 

The little boy bounced towards the table and pulled out a chair next to his Papa Michael who laughed "Magandang umaga Connor! Paano ka nakatulog?" 

"Morning Sweet Pea! I made rainbow pancakes just for you!" Jeremy said placing a plate in front of Connor, who gasped excitedly. 

The couple had just adopted Connor a year prior. Connor was pale and quite tall for a six year old. He wore bright pink overalls with a unicorn stitched on the front pocket and a long sleeved pastel shirt underneath. He had shoulder length curly chestnut hair with fake rainbow extensions attached. His eyes were light blue but the left one had speckles of dark brown. 

"Thank you!" He exclaimed digging his fork into the food he had in front of him 

"Good mythical morning my dearest darlingest Daddy and Popsicle!!" Sang out a voice as their eldest and only daughter danced into the kitchen, ears plugged in with her pink vintage headphones. 

Jeremy chuckled and plucked them off of her head, kissing her forehead "Good Morning to you too Chrissy" he said 

Christine was Michael and Jeremy's one (and only) biological miracle daughter. She had light brown skin and dark brown hair in a poofy half ponytail. Christine had light blue eyes and wore a cyan shirt that read in cursive letters 'You're enough' encased in a heart and bell bottom jeans with a flower pattern. 

She sat down next to her brother, prompting Jeremy to sit down next to his husband and together the family began to eat, and talk. 

"Are you guys excited?" Jeremy asked drowning his pancakes in maple syrup 

Connor nodded ecstatically and Christine giggled at her little brother. "I've been practicing Filipino to say hi to everyone! And-and I made these!" he exclaimed throwing an assortment of pastel bracelets from his pockets 

Michael and Jeremy locked eyes and chuckled, they loved their son so much. 

"I sure am! Eli and I were going to be in class together-and Auntie Christine's gonna be my drama teacher! They say freshman year sucks pine sap but I'm kinda looking forward too it!" Christine exclaimed between bites of food 

"That's awesome Christine!" Michael said, he was genuinely surprised how happy his daughter was to start middle school "Remember what we told you if someone offers you a supercomputer tic-tac?" 

"Slap them across  the face, hit 'em where it hurts and run away" 

Jeremy pretended to sniffle and wipe a tear off of his face "You two grow up so fast!!" 

After a few more minutes of eating everyone was going to be late if they didn't hurry up and leave. Before they got in the car however Michael took out the polaroid and his phone 

"Smile you guys!" He shouted snapping pictures of his children standing in front of the house before leaving 

"Papa, we're gonna be late!" Christine groaned 

Michael chuckled and opened the car door for her, "After you m'lady" 

After dropping off both of their kids the couple was left to drive in silence. Michael was crying tears of joy he wouldn't let Jeremy see and Jeremy was smiling crazily. 

"So that just happened" he whispered 

"Mhmm!" Michael hummed in agreement 

"It feels weird right!?" Jeremy exclaimed turning to Michael "We've been friends for twenty eight years, been married for nearly thirteen, have two children who we just dropped off at school, and we're still going" 

Michael laughed "I'd kiss you if we weren't driving. Feels odd to think the day's just started, they're gone, and we still have fifty years left to live."

Jeremy chuckled and kissed his husband's cheek "If it means fifty years spent with my player one I won't care." 


I've been wanting to do something like this for ages!! I love the idea of Jeremy and Michael starting a family! Expect some more one shots with their kids soon! Keep it Classy!~🌼Goldi 🌼

Be More Chill One-ShotsOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora