Roller skating double dates

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"You better fucking appreciate what I do for you people" Michael grumbled counting the remaining change he had in his wallet

The Boyfs and Arson bros has decided to go on a double date to skate world. Everyone had agreed to pay their own entrance but, Jeremy was broke as fuck, Jake forgot his wallet and Rich was about to pay before he remembered h forgot his wallet too.

"I love youuuu" Jeremy singsonged giving Michael's cheek an esquimo kiss as they made their way towards the roller skate rentals

Michael snorted and smiled, before being pulled back to reality by Rich gasping over dramatically and falling into Jake's arms.

"What's got your panties in a bunch Goranski?"

"They. Have. Bag toss. JAKE. YOU CAN WIN STUFFED ANIMALS!!" The shorter boy exclaimed grabbing his boyfriend's sleeve and nearly pulling in the direction of the games

"N-Not now Rich" Jeremy groaned as he got his size of roller skates and began to tie up his laces "We-we really have to hurry up if we even want to skate"

"Becauseee?" Rich sulked walking over and trying to find his shoe size

"Cause when you're being chased by an army of toddlers and their parents telling you to hurry up you won't be able to" Michael said grabbing Jeremy's arm and yanking him towards the rink

There was a serviceable amount of people already skating, mostly ten-year old's trying to skate and their parents trying to figure out how they got lured in to bringing their kids to a disco skating rink.

As soon as Jeremy's skates touched the wood his legs wobbled and he nearly collapsed. He held onto Michael's shoulder for dear life, making him laugh and Jeremy squirm.

"S-Stop laughing!"

"We've been here on four dates Jerm!"

"I'm a giraffe okay?!" The boy squeaked, his legs crossing around crazily

Rich snickered and ran into the rink, immediately crashing into five families and getting death glares from at least two parents. He laughed and waved over to his boyfriend

"Come on Jakey!!"

"It can't be that hard" Jake smirked as Jeremy slammed into a wall.

"T-Try it-it for yourself!" He groaned getting back into his feet

Jake sniffed "Please Jeremy, I'm like a natural at everything" he said cockily throwing his head back.

As soon as the taller boy said that however, he fell face flat onto the hardwood floors.

"Told ya-" Jeremy singsonged as Rich went over to help his boyfriend.

Jake was holding onto the wall for dear life. It seemed that Middle Borough's lead jock had terrible balance. The rest of the afternoon was spent trying not to get killed by a bunch 8th grade parents. So basically the boys had a blast.

Things got real when the DJ announced the skating competition.

"Alright racers!" The announcer announced into her microphone "When the countdown stops, race to the finish line! There will be no pushing-"

"You're going DOWN Heere" Rich whispered making Jeremy chuckle


"Watch me shortass" Jeremy said, smiling when he realized Michael was waving and giving him a thumbs up

"And have fun!"

"BITCH-get ready to DIE!" Rich shouted as the countdown stopped and the racers skated as fast as they could.

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