You're the one that I want!

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Did Rich expect anything exciting to happen Saturday afternoon?


Both his parents were at work meaning it was just him and his electronics. The rest of the SQUAD had their own plans for once so he was lounging around, scrolling through his computer to see if anyone had uploaded anything interesting. He didn't expect Jenna to be knocking frantically on his front door, or threatening to bust it down if he didn't open it.

"I'm coming! I'm coming!" Screeched Rich, putting a shirt on and going downstairs.

"FINALLY!!" Jenna shouted

He opened the door to see Jenna annoyedly tapping her foot. Jake was also there, but he was leaning against the wall and humming.

"What are-"

"Are you doing anything?!" Jenna spat out

"There's a glowing ball in the sky~" Jake singsonged, a dopey smile on his face before he fell at Rich's feet. The taller boy giggled as he studied Rich "You're cuteee-"

"No" Rich stated, staring down confusedly at Jake. He pointed quizzically at the boy and Jenna rolled her eyes

"Got his wisdom teeth removed, I don't have the patience to deal with this bullshit. So I'm dropping him off here"

"I'm blueeeee-" Jake singsonged "I'm so blue blue blueeee-"

"Uhh-sure?" Rich answered, through it was more of a question than a statement

Jenna sighed and smiled "Thank you so much. I'll come pick him up around nine" she declared, marching over to her car.

Brooke, Christine and Chloe were all in that car, they waved and made kissy faces at Rich right before Jenna closed the door. The blonde boy stared down at Jake who was slobbering on his floor.

"Alright handsome get up" he said nearly kicking Jake's face

"Is this your-your house?"


"It's really-" Jake hiccuped and giggled "Big. Are you compensating for something?"

Rich blushed and whirled around to Jake, who had kicked off his shoes and was sprawled on one of the whitest couches he owned. He sighed an walked over, he'd dealt with Jake after a keg and a half of beer. He could handle this. Jake had taken to examine the picture frames, and play around with them like if they were footballs but that's beside the point.

Rich sighed and yanked them out of his boyfriend's grip "Don't play with those!" He snapped, making Jake recoil back

"Whyyyy?" He singsonged

"Uhh-because they're fucking expensive? And my parents would kill us? And-" Rich started before Jake put a hand to his face

"I'm bored. Can I ask you something?"

Rich cocked his head and sat down next to the taller boy "Shoot"

"Are you single??" Jake asked, wiggling his eyebrows with a lustful look in his eyes

Rich stared at him with confusion and slight shock, did he really not remember they were dating? He snorted and smiled

"Nope, very taken"

The words seemed to take a moment to settle in. Jake's expression turned to one of disappointment and slight anger.

"By WHO?!" He asked, a voice of pure shock

Rich snickered, this was gonna be fun. "The most amazing guy in the world. He's an amazing baker, extremely fit and a total sweetheart, he always knows how to cheer me up. Plus he's an unbelievably good kisser"

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