James Potter

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I grin, twiddling the package in my fingers. I know exactly what it is.

I look up at my smiling parents..

"Well.. Go on then. Open it." My Mother speaks.

I rip open the package to reavel the newest broomstick out. I laugh.

"My other one was fine." I say chuckling.

"We thought a new one for 5th year would be good, eh James?" My father smiles. I'm still not convinced but I take it anyway.

I eat my breakfast, every so often feeling the smooth handle of the new broomstick

"Better go get your trunk James, I expect we have to leave soon." My sighs. She wants to go back to Hogwarts. I mumble an ok and stride through the house, up to my bedroom. My case is sprawled on my bed. I chuck in anything else I need and carry the case down the stairs.

I grab my new broom and my old one. My parents give me a strange look.

"For Sirius, or Remus" I say. I smirk.

I can't wait to see the marauders and.. Evans. Lily Evans to be correct just as she would say.

I smirk, remebering the amount of time she turned me down but I got back on my feet.

We travel to Kings Cross and enter Platform 9 3/4. My snowy white owl is perched on the trolly which I haul to a stop, the cage clattering slightly. I glance about, searching.

Out the corner of my eye I see waving in my direction.

"Sirius!" I walk towards him. "Great to see you mate."

"Same. Want to get on the train. Mooney and Wormtail should be on board.

"Bye Mum, Dad." I grin..

God. I haven't hexed anyone in ages..


This is my first story. I know its not that good. I will continue it and if I feel it is extremely bad I will delete it and start again but Feedback? I need to know where to improve.

Persuasive: A Marauders StoryWhere stories live. Discover now