I quickly get my shirt and jacket on and stand up, helping Creativity up in the process.

"Thanks." He mumbles, I nod my head.

I grab Roma- Creativity's hand and pull him over towards the stairs.

It's not the same feeling..

"Hopefully they're not..." I trail off.

Once we reach Remus's room, I put my ear up to the door just check.

"Ah~ Deceit~"

Oh god.

I knock my hand really hard on the door so that they can hear me over their m o a n i n g.

Lots of shuffling is heard before a red faced Remus appears at the door.

"Y-yes, Virgil?" He looks at me awkwardly as Deceit appears behind him.

"I want you guys to meet Creativity." I pull Creativity into view just before they can say anything.

"Roman? What the.." Remus looks at him in utter confusion.

"Ok. Who is Roman?! And why the hell does everybody keep on talking about him?!" Creativity questions.

"He was.. the old Creativity." I explain.

"Ooooooooh." Creativity looks to the ground.

"Remus, this is Creativity, Creativity, this is Remus. Your brother." I say.

"Wait, what? What the hell happened to Roman?!" Remus looks at me.

"He..." How do I tell him? "..He killed himself."

I feel a lump in my throat as tears pool up in the corners of my eyes.

"What?!" Deceit, Remus, and Creativity all say at the same time.

"I don't.." I break out into sobs. "I don't wanna talk about it r-right now."

"Sorry.. But he was your boyfriend! Why would he do that?" Remus looks at me with sadness and you can see him holding back his tears.

"I was your bOyfriend?!" Creativity's voice cracks.

I nod my head quickly while trying to wipe away my tears.

"Please stop talking about R-Roman." I choke out. "Just talk to the new Creativity."

I wipe away the last of my tears and look up to all three of them still engulfed in sadness.

"Ok, ok." Remus says.

"Um, I'm Deceit, and this is Intrusive Thoughts, or Creativity, but just call him Remus." Deceit introduces. "Your room is that red door down there."

He points down the hallway and Creativity's eyes follow, eventually falling on his room.

"Can I go see it right now?" Creativity looks at me for approval.

"Yeah, I just.. need to check something first." I walk down the hallway, finally leaving Remus and Deceit to themselves again.

I hear a pair of footsteps following behind me as I walk.

"Stay outside of your room for a sec, ok?" I ask as we reach his room.

Creativity nods.

I slowly open the door, hoping that Romans body has already 'dissolved' away.

Thomas's mind will take dead body's and pretty much dissolve them into thin air to get rid of them.

I look in and let out a breath I didn't know I was holding when I see a completely new room and no Roman.

There's no more memory of Roman anymore..

The only memory left would be when we think about him...

Oh my god, I'm so sorry Roman.

I'm so torn without you.

I love you.

I love you too.


Word count: 529

And that's the end, my pals!


You want a third book?


How about that?

Please don't hate me for this ending... :')

Torn (Second Series) {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now