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"Roman, are you okay?" I ask.

"Yeah, um. I just.. I've gotta go now. I'll see you later." Roman let's go of the hug and leaves my room.

What? I'm so confused right now. Why would he think that and why did he want to leave so bad?

I sit on my bed, random thoughts jumbling up with other random thoughts.

Maybe I should go get some water, then after that I should be able to think straight.

I stand up and walk out of my room. Walking down the stairs, I hear Patton's cheery voice.

"Hey, Virge! Do you wanna eat now?" He questions.

"No." I answer, but still sit down where my food was left.

"Um. Ok? I reheated it for you." He said.

"Thanks." I thank in a monotone.

I force myself to eat the scrambled eggs and bacon that were sitting on my plate.

I try to finish the food as quickly as possible. That only resulted in me feeling like throwing up though.

Finally, I finish it and threw the paper plate away in the trash.

"Thank you dad. It was good." I hear a squeal after I say that.

"You called me dad for the first time!" He started jumping up and down in excitement.

"Mhm." I hum, rushing up the stairs.

I can't throw up this time. Roman would be disappointed in me.

Rushing into my room, I run to the bathroom and sit in front of the toilet.

This time, I wait for my body to make me throw up instead of me making myself throw up.

Sadly for me, that doesn't happen. My body decides to keep the food inside of me.

Why didn't you just throw up?

I sigh, standing up.

Now I'm gonna be even more fat then I already am.

I walk out of the bathroom and to my bed, hoping that the lingering feeling of needing to throw up would go away if I layed down for a bit.

I slowly layed down on my bed, making sure to go on my side incase I did actually throw up.

Maybe I should just lay on my back.

I shake my head to rid the thoughts.

You can't think like that, Virgil! They'd be disappointed if they found out that you got Alex back.

I sigh and close my eyes.

A few minutes later, I'm half asleep. Just then a knock is heard at the door.


Word count: 410

Torn (Second Series) {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now