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My eyes open up quickly from the sound and I jump a bit.

"Who is it?" I ask, still a bit startled from being woken up so suddenly.

"Roman." A weak, soft, voice calls back.

"Come in." I sit up, my blanket still being half wrapped around me.

The door opens and Roman walks in.

"What d' ya' need?" I give a small smile to him as he sits down next to me.

"I just wanted to apologise for leaving so abruptly earlier." He said.

"Aww, baby, it's ok." I peck his cheek. "You're perfectly fine. There's nothing to worry about."

(Wow, listening to Hadestown and writing at the same time is actually allot harder than I thought it'd be XD)

"You sure?" He looked at me, unsurely.

"Yeah. Why would you think I wouldn't be sure?"

"Uh- it's nothing." He looks to the ground. I raise an eyebrow, but let it slip.

"I love you." I remind him.

"Yeah, I know." My heart shatters a bit.

He didn't say he loves me back.

I grip my blanket a bit tight as my anxiety levels start to raise a bit.

"I love you too." I let out a sigh of relief as I hear the four words.

We sit in comfortable silence for a minute or two untill;

"Virgil! Come here!" A voice- Logan calls out.

I immediately stand up.

What's wrong? What happened? Is everything ok?!

I remind myself to breathe whenever my breathing starts to get uneven.

"C'mon Ro." I say, heading out of my room and down the stairs.

I get to where I heard the voice, and I see Insecure standing at the door.

"Insecure!!" I shout excitedly.

I jump (figuratively) on him and give him a huge hug.

"Calm down, Virge." Insecure giggles.

"I missed you so muuuuuuuch." I squeal.

God, am I Patton or something? Why am I squealing??

"I missed ya too." We let go of the hug and smiled at each other.

"Do you wanna go to your room now, since you haven't been there in a while?" I ask.

Insecure nods and disappears.

".... Well.. This is awkward now, bye." I walk back over to and up the stairs, grabbing Roman by the hand and bringing him with me.

I walk into my room and close the door once Roman gets in. I moved my hand slightly up his arm without even noticing.

His breath hitches and he flinches back.

"Ow." Tears prick his eyes.

"Shit, I'm sorry. What'd I do?" I try to grab his arm to see what I did to it but he pulls it away from me.

"No, it's ok. I just.. scratched my arm on my bed earlier today and you touched my- the c- scratch." He explained.

"Oh! I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to!" I exclaim.

"It's ok." He reassured.

"Did you bandage it up already?" I ask, trying to grab his arm again to see, but he, once again, pulled his arm back.

"Yeah. I did." He looks at me with a bit of a panicked look.

"Oh, alright." I let it slide again.

I give him a quick kiss on the lips then walk over to my bed, taking my jacket off in the process.

Sitting down on my bed, I take off my shirt and stretch out my wings (mostly the one that wasn't a prosthetic).

Roman sits down next to me and I get a sudden urge to preen his feathers.

"Take off your shirt." I tell him.

"Wh-what? Why?" He kind of, not really, but kind of, scoots away from me.

"I dunno, I just wanna preen your feathers." I shrug.

He hesitantly complies and takes off his shirt. I glanced down at his arm for a second or two.

Jesus Christ, did he really scratch his arm so bad that he had to bandage his entire forearm?

I look back to his wing (the one that wasn't a prosthetic) and started smoothening out his feathers, along with getting a few of his pin feathers.

"Did you really scratch your arm that bad?" I question, a bit of concern lacing my voice.

"Uh- yeah." He answers.

"DID S O M E B O D Y SAY D E C E I T?" Deceit overdramatically walked into my room without knocking. I jumped a bit and looked up.

"What? No, nobody said Deceit, and why are you making Harry Potter musical references?" I ask.

"I can make musical references if I want. And why are both of y'all shirtless?" He looks at me and Roman with a bit of disgust.

"Because why not?" I shrug.

"Well anywho, I heard some lying and I decided that I should check it out." Deceit leaned up against the wall and glanced at Roman.

"Nobody's lying, so go somewhere else." I say.

"That's where you're wrong. Somebody is lying, Virgil. I'm not gonna say names though." Deceit smirked. "I'm gonna go now, byee."

"Nobody's lying." I repeated after Deceit left.

I sigh and go back to preening Romans feathers.

Romans not lying, is he? He wouldn't lie to me.



Word count: 887

Another long chapter, AND a cliffhanger?! Crazy right? Or have I already put so many cliffhangers in this book that you've gotten used to it?


Ok bye....

Also, the reference Dee made was when that thing with Draco happened where he said "Did somebody say Draco Malfoy?!" Y'know, y'know? Ok, I'll leave-

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